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Region 8, San Antonio and surrounding area
Foster Care and Adoption Information Meetings
If you reside in Bexar countY | If you reside in one of these counties: | |
For Information meetings in Bexar County, 8A, Contact Information – (210) 337-3117 call or email to receive the link.
Belong is responsible for Foster Care and Adoption Information Meetings for Region 8b. For additional information please contact Belong's point of contact, Julia Braun at (210) 876-6958 Option #1. Also see the list of recruitment staff later on this page for both Belong and DFPS. Belong is now in a partnership with DFPS as part of Community-Based Care. Community-Based Care is a new way of providing foster care and case management services. It's a community-based approach to meeting the individual and unique needs of children, youth, and families. For more information, visit the Community-Based Care section of the DFPS website. For information on fostering or adopting a child from out of state, contact the State Office ICPC. |
* If accommodations such as a sign language interpreter are needed in order to attend an information meeting, please call the Recruitment Staff listed below 3 days prior to the meeting, if possible. Meeting will start promptly at the designated time. A fifteen minute grace period is given; thereafter participants will not be permitted to enter. *
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Recruitment Events and Foster/Adopt Information Meetings: |
Unfortunately, the Bexar County Foster Care and Adoption Program (Region 08) is no longer accepting applications for foster and adoption or hosting information meeting.
Interested families are referred to conduct a search for Child-Placing Agencies in San Antonio and surrounding areas for more information on how to become licensed.
Recruitment Staff
Region 8a Recruitment Staff at DFPS
This region includes Bexar county.
- Kelly Gadea (210) 487-9586
- Cloe Rios (512) 578-6489
- Stephanie Constante (210) 268-2873
- Haidee Salazar (210) 247-7529
- Cambrielle Gorham (210) 709-9228
Region 8b Recruitment Staff at Belong
This region is know as the South Central and Hill Country area, and is comprised of 27 counties in and around San Antonio, excluding Bexar county.
- Brandy Flores (Belong) (830) 252-2361
- Amber Wagner (Belong) (830) 252-2426
- Daniela Esparza (Belong) (830) 714-1976