Let's Practice: Bonnie

Bonnie is 15 years old and has lived in her current placement for three months. Bonnie's biological father died from a drug overdose when she was an infant and her biological mother is an alcoholic.

Bonnie attends public school and has expressed animosity towards her English teacher, Ms. Clark. She feels Ms. Clark is unfair to her because she is a new student and a foster youth and takes medication for mild depression. Eight months ago, Bonnie had a disagreement with Ms. Clark about her failing an assignment, which led to Bonnie having an angry outburst in the classroom. Bonnie got one day of in-school suspension, which she participated in without incident. Ms. Clark has since offered extra-credit to Bonnie and she apologized to Ms. Clark for her behavior. Bonnie has agreed to attend an English tutorial class and to complete her extra credit assignment.

Bonnie has recently asked to enroll in an upcoming school-sponsored driver's education course supervised by professional driving instructors. Other than her outburst at school and her failing grade, Bonnie's followed the rules and feels strongly she should be able to participate in the driving course like her peers. Bonnie is seeing a therapist for her anger issues. She does not have any special supervision requirements on her service plan. Bonnie has asthma but no other physical limitations.

