The Importance of an Appropriate Environment

Most children will heal with stability, consistency, nurture and support of caregivers knowledgeable of trauma-informed care.

This means that the child does not change placements, and the caregiver:

  • Is patient, understanding, kind, loving, and gentle.
  • Gives clear instructions about expectations and house rules.
  • Gives consistent consequences when rules are broken.
  • Teaches the child coping skills and how to control their behavior and emotions in an age appropriate way.
  • Praises the child for positive behaviors.

Children may act out as they adjust to a new home and learn new rules. Caregivers should expect that adjustment takes time and give appropriate support and acceptance. If given safe, positive, nurturing, consistent trauma-informed care most children will learn to trust, feel safe, and learn to control their emotions and behavior in way that is appropriate for their age.

Family, mother, and child sitting and smiling