CPS caseworkers and caregivers should encourage participation when in the child’s best interest, taking safety into account.
Recent research has found that African Americans are diagnosed with schizophrenia at a disproportionally high rate compared to non-Latino whites, which researchers say can lead to inappropriate treatment, including excessive use of antipsychotics, excessive dosing, and under-prescribing of mood stabilizers.3
A Medical Consenter should be aware that stereotypes and biases about race and ethnicity may impact clinical assessment in mental health care, and should discuss with the doctor whether the child’s assessment, diagnosis or recommended treatment has been influenced by factors related to race or ethnicity.
3 Source: Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2012;69(6):593-600. Published online February 6, 2012. doi:10.1001 / archgenpsychiatry.2011.2040