The 41st Annual Adult Protective Services Conference registration is open. Register Now

Partnering to Protect

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Who We Protect

Adult Protective Services, or APS, helps vulnerable adults who face abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation. These adults must be:

  • age 65 or older; or
  • age 18 to 64 with a disability that substantially impairs their ability to live independently or care for themselves.

The issues facing these vulnerable adults are more than one agency can address alone. APS knows that to be effective serving its clients, it needs the support of its partners.

APS approaches all clients with compassion and respect and strives to give them the best possible support and resources. APS seeks the least restrictive alternative in all situations. And works with partners to help find the best solutions for each client.

Who We Protect

How We Help

APS investigates allegations involving individuals. We do not investigate situations in nursing facilities or licensed group homes. If you suspect abuse or neglect of someone living in a nursing facility or licensed group home, call Texas Health and Human Services at 1-800-458-9858.

APS cannot force services on someone who does not want them. We cannot force an adult to leave his or her home unless it's an emergency that threatens the adult's life or safety and he or she lacks the capacity (as determined by a medical doctor) to make decisions. If the adult is unable to give consent, the APS caseworker may ask a court to issue an Emergency Order of Protective Services, and may refer the adult to the Texas Health and Human Services Guardianship Program if needed.

If the adult has the capacity to consent and agrees to protective services, then he or she can:

  • Get voluntary protective services.
  • Take part in all decisions about his or her welfare.
  • Pick the least restrictive option that meets his or her needs.
  • Refuse medical treatment.

Adults 18 to 64 Years Old Who Have a Disability

Adults qualify for APS Services if they have a mental, physical, intellectual, or developmental disability that substantially impairs their ability to live independently.

Adults who are able to live independently can:

  • Use a phone.
  • Shop.
  • Cook or prepare food.
  • Clean their home.
  • Manage their medications.
  • Dress in clothes that are appropriate for the weather.
  • Arrange for medical services, support services, or transportation.
  • Prevent harm to themselves or others.
  • Ask for help to resolve issues that threaten their well-being.

Other signs of independence include:

  • Provide shelter for themselves.
  • Obtain food and drink to sustain themselves.
  • Feed themselves.
  • Manage their finances.
  • Communicate their needs.
  • Recognize threats to health and safety.
APS caseworker with adult 18 to 64 years old who has a disability

If an adult is unable or unwilling to do one or more of these activities or can only do them with direction or support from others, then he or she may be unable to live independently.

Legal guardian and person considered substantially imparied.

Note: A person is automatically considered substantially impaired when he or she has been diagnosed with an intellectual or developmental disability, has an IQ below 70, has a legal guardian, or has qualified for certain Medicaid waiver programs.

Examples of adults with a disability who have received APS services

Brittany is a 32-year-old woman who has been diagnosed with a mental disorder.


Rupert is a 56-year-old man who has ALS, an illness that affects his brain and spinal cord, that is also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. He is quickly getting worse and can't do simple tasks to care for himself.

Rupert qualifies for APS help because:

  • He has a health condition that has resulted in a disability.
  • His ability to live independently and take care of himself is limited and getting worse.
  • His condition is long-term.
Brittany is a 32-year-old woman who has been diagnosed with a mental disorder.


Brittany is a 32-year-old woman who has been diagnosed with a mental disorder. She has delusions and paranoia. Her house is filthy, and she doesn't bathe. She believes the food her family gives to her is poisoned. She has lost a lot of weight in just a few months. She has a psychiatrist but does not keep her appointments.

Brittany qualifies for APS help because:

  • She has a diagnosis of mental illness, which has resulted in a disability.
  • She is not able to care for herself.
  • Her condition is long-term.