Reasonable and Prudent Parenting and Supervision


One of the key aspects of the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act of 2014 is empowering foster parents to make decisions that give youth in state care more control over their lives. However, caregivers can minimize risk by using "reasonable and prudent parent standard” and asking the right questions.

Reasonable and prudent parenting means demonstrating reasonable judgement, skill, and caution.

To apply reasonable and prudent parenting standard, you must:

  • Know the child.
  • Understand the key factors related to the activity.
  • Make decisions on a case-by-case basis.

Under this standard, caregivers make everyday decisions about activities children can and want to do. Benefits include the following:

  • Children are more likely to be able to participate in a normal activity if they get permission right away.
  • Caregivers who know the children the best make decisions that affect the children’s lives.