Secondary Traumatic Stress

As a helper in the child welfare system, it is not a matter of if you will experience secondary traumatic stress, it is a matter of when.

Secondary traumatic stress (STS), is also known as vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue. It refers to the experience of people who are exposed to others’ traumatic stories.

As a result of this exposure, people can develop their own traumatic symptoms and reactions. Burnout is a term often used to describe the experience of being overwhelmed by STS and compassion fatigue.

Signs of Secondary Traumatic Stress

  • Irritability
  • Apathy or Lack of empathy
  • Loss of Motivation
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling overwhelmed – often
  • Loss of interest in things previously enjoyed
  • Intrusive thoughts – especially about work.

Put on your own oxygen mask first

Perhaps the most important first step in being trauma-informed is understanding and supporting your own well-being. In order to care for others, we must first care for ourselves.