There’s good news! You can use healthy coping skills to buffer secondary traumatic stress.
“It’s not the load that breaks us down…it’s the way we carry it.”
- Anonymous
- Eat as healthfully as you can, and stay hydrated.
- Exercise and stretch as often as you can. (Even if that’s not much!)
- Play! It’s just as important for adults as kids.
- Seek out sources of enjoyment and inspiration.
- Allow yourself to feel your emotions, and give yourself time to process through them.
- Stay engaged with your support system.
- Make and keep appropriate boundaries.
- Make a plan. Write it out or use technology! Look up self-care strategies that appeal to you. Many modern self-care approaches are accessible, and simple.
- Practice mindfulness, for example conscious breathing or meditation. Research shows that regular practice can improve brain function and help with stress.