
Home - Community-Based Care

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Frequently Asked Questions

caseworker speaking with a parent and child
Why is Texas adopting Community-Based Care (CBC)?
How is Community-Based Care expanding across Texas?
How many CBC areas will there be in Texas, and where are they?
What does “No Eject/No Reject” mean?
How will DFPS and Single Source Continuum Contractors (SSCCs) work to ensure the confidence and success of Community-Based Care?
How are child placing agencies (CPAs) or other providers supported and held accountable if they are no longer directly contracting with DFPS?
Who is going to be sure that siblings aren’t split by placements or adoptions unless absolutely necessary?  If siblings are split, who is going to ensure that they see each other?

Placement and Provider Questions

How will foster families find out all this information?
How does this affect independent contract providers for Evaluation and Treatment (E&T) services?

Kinship/Foster Caregiver Questions

How will this affect the services of a child in my care?
I’m caring for a child who sees a counselor regularly. After the transition to CBC, will the child be able to see the same counselor?
How will this affect medical coverage of children and youth in my care?
Who will my caseworker be after the transition?
Who can I call to make a complaint in the future?

Biological Parent Questions

How will this transition affect my case?
If I have already been working on my case services for several months, will this transition delay my case?
Who can assist me with arranging visits in the future?

Foster Children and Youth Questions

Who do I call for help in the future?
How can I report abuse or neglect in the future?
How do I make a complaint in the future?
Who will be my caseworker?
Who do I talk to about visits with my parents and siblings?
Are any of the rules where I live changing?
Who can I call if I have questions?

Learn More

Dad and daughter reading the news

Community-Based Care News

person making a presentation

Community-Based Care Reports

map with pins in it

Expanding Community-Based Care