Office of Community-Based Care Transition (OCBCT)

In 2021, the 87th Texas Legislature, as part of Senate Bill 1896, formally established the Office of Community-Based Care Transition (OCBCT). The Office is administratively attached to DFPS, and along with the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), will work together on the statewide implementation of CBC.
Mission, Vision, and Values
The Office of Community-Based Care Transition is committed to swiftly and successfully implementing community-based care (CBC), while supporting flexibility for each community, partnering with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) and the Single Source Continuum Contractors (SSCCs), as we collectively deliver superior community-driven foster care services.
To create a community-driven, innovative, and sustainable system to support children and families.
- Flexibility: We promote innovation to ensure flexibility in changes and new ideas to achieve child safety, permanency, and wellbeing.
- Quality: We value measurable standards of implementation science, ensuring we use literature and evidence in our processes.
- Integrity: We are committed in our roles, are proactive in identifying implementation barriers, and are accountable for the results.
- Partnership: We acknowledge our responsibilities as facilitators of change to help establish a successful relationship between our staff, DFPS, and the SSCCs.
- Transparency: We prioritize openness and honesty in sharing implementation efforts as we conduct our jobs, plan for the future, and build our knowledge about processes, changes, and trends.
The OCBCT, led by George Cannata, provides consultation and support throughout all stages and phases of CBC implementation and oversight. The team consists of the following:
- Two OCBCT implementation teams work alongside DFPS and the SSCC(s) to move CBC forward in each community area.
- Community-Based Care Administrators (CBCAs) are local to the community area and serve as liaisons between regional DFPS programs and the SSCC. CBCAs help facilitate the physical transition to CBC.
- OCBCT Contract Administration Managers (CAMs) are responsible for managing the acquisition of contractors, including but not limited to: contract renewals, unsolicited proposals, and request for application submittals.
- The Community Outreach and Legislative team focuses on reports, special projects, project management, education and outreach, and legislative inquiries.
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About Community-Based Care