About Community-Based Care (CBC)

What is CBC?
Community-Based Care (CBC) is the new Texas foster care model. It allows local communities to meet children's and their families' unique and individual needs by tapping into the strengths and resources of each community. Most CPS duties will transition to local service networks, each operated by a Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC). The SSCC is responsible for finding foster homes or other living arrangements for children in state care and providing a full range of services, including case management.
CBC currently serves about one-half of Texas, geographically, and about a quarter of the children who are in state custody due to child abuse or neglect. By 2029, all of Texas will be served by CBC.
Why is this important?
CBC gives local communities the flexibility to leverage their strengths and local resources and find innovative ways to meet the unique needs of each child and family. CBC is designed to give children more stability by keeping them closer to home and connected to their schools, friends, and families as much as possible.
Watch this video about why Texas is handing foster care over to local communities:
How does CBC work?
CBC is a sea-change in how Texas cares for the children who have been removed from abusive or neglective homes to protect them from abuse or neglect. CBC provides many services that Child Protective Services (CPS) now provides, including foster care, case management, kinship care, and reunification services. A single organization in each community area (usually a collection of counties) creates a network of services, foster homes, and other living arrangements for children and youth. When ready, this organization also provides case management for each child as well. CPS works with each contractor, known as a Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC) to carefully manage the transition from traditional foster care to community care.
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