November 2023
Community-Based Care Moves Forward in Three Regions
DFPS and the Office of Community-Based Care Transition (OCBCT) are excited to announce some big news about Community-Based Care (CBC) in three regions:
- Region 4 (also known as the Piney Woods service area)
- Region 5 (Deep East)
- Region 3W (Metroplex West)
CBC Enters Stage 1 in Region 4 and Region 5
4Kids4Famlies, a division of Arrow Child and Family Ministries, is the single source continuum contractor (SSCC) for all counties in Region 4. Texas Family Care Network, a division of Pressley Ridge, is the SSCC for all counties in Region 5.
On November 1, both 4Kids4Families and Texas Family Care Network will move into Stage 1 of CBC in their respective service areas. In Stage 1, 4Kids4Families and Texas Family Care Network will continue to develop a service network in the community and provide foster care placement services. The focus in Stage 1 is improving the overall safety and well-being of children in paid foster care while keeping them closer to home and connected to their communities and families. The SSCCs will be responsible for the placement of children in paid foster care and those entering paid foster care.
Both 4Kids4Families and Texas Family Care Network have shown that they have a deep understanding of the goals of CBC.
CBC Expands in Metroplex West (Region 3W)
ACH Child and Family Services, through its division Our Community Our Kids, has been the SSCC in Region 3W since 2014, serving seven of the 10 counties in the community. During this time, ACH has built a robust provider community and resource base and has continued to be a pioneer for CBC in Texas.
Now, ACH has been awarded the SSCC contract to provide CBC services for the other three counties in the region. ACH will begin serving Denton, Cooke, and Wise counties on November 1. DFPS, OCBCT, and ACH will continue to build on the strong partnerships developed in this community and focus on safety, permanency, and well-being for children in foster care.
September 2023
EMPOWER Moves to Stage I Community-Based Care
On September 1, a collaborative called EMPOWER became the fifth single source continuum contractor (SSCC) to begin operations in Texas. It will serve the Metroplex East (Region 3E) community area. EMPOWER is led by providers local to the Metroplex East area including:
- Texas Family Initiative
- CK Family Services
- Jonathan’s Place
- The Bair Foundation
- Pathways Youth and Family Services
EMPOWER is now responsible for managing placement and developing a provider network in Region 3E, which consists of Collin, Dallas, Ellis, Fannin, Grayson, Hunt, Kaufman, Navarro, and Rockwall counties.
March 2023
DFPS and OCBCT Release a Request for Application for Metroplex West
The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) and the Office of Community-Based Care Transition (OCBCT) are pleased to announce the next expansion of Community-Based Care – the release of the Request for Application (RFA) for the next procurement. This RFA is to select the contractors that will oversee foster and kinship care placement, case management, and reunification services in the Metroplex West area (DFPS Region 3W), which includes Denton, Cooke, and Wise counties.
You can read and download the RFA Single Source Continuum Contract online, which includes the schedule of events for this procurement.
DFPS recognizes that children and youth are too often placed outside of their communities, leaving behind family, friends, schools, churches, homes, and support systems. Through Community-Based Care, DFPS seeks to:
- Promote positive outcomes for children, youth, and families.
- Improve the overall process and quality of care.
- Align incentives with process and quality indicators to encourage developing services where they are needed.
- Focus on the needs of the children in these communities with the help of each Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC).
DFPS Awards Contract for Deep East (Region 5)
The last of three contracts between the organizations, known as Single Source Continuum Contractors (SSCCs), has just been awarded with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS).
On March 15, 2023, DFPS awarded a Community-Based Care contract in Deep East (Region 5) to Family Care Network, a division of Pressley Ridge. Pressley Ridge is accredited by the Council on Accreditation and has been a leader in implementing innovative, evidence-based programs that promote the well-being of children and families for more than 20 years.
This marks the largest single expansion of Community-Based Care (CBC) by the State of Texas.
February 2023
DFPS Awards Contract for Piney Woods (Region 4)
On February 22, 2023, the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) awarded a Community-Based Care contract in Piney Woods (Region 4) to 4Kids4Familes, a division of Arrow Child and Family Ministries.
Beginning March 1, 2023, the Office of Community-Based Care Transition, along with DFPS, will begin preparations with 4Kids4Families for the transition to Community-Based Care. As the Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC), 4Kids4Families plans to receive its first child placement referral in early fall of 2023.
Arrow Child and Family Ministries has a long history of providing quality services to children and families. Arrow serves 4,000 children and families each year, using innovative programs that promote positive outcomes. Arrow has been accredited by the Council on Accreditation since 2014 and is recognized as a leader in the implementation of innovative, evidence-based programs that promote the well-being of children and families.
Arrow looks forward to the opportunity to serve the children and families in Piney Woods (Region 4) through its subsidiary 4Kids4Families. They are strong advocates for Community-Based Care and believe that effectively engaging community stakeholders and supporting and strengthening a committed network of private providers can produce better outcomes for children and families.
DFPS Awards Contract for Metroplex East (Region 3E)
On February 22, 2023, the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) awarded a Community-Based Care contract in Metroplex East (Region 3E) to EMPOWER, a division of Texas Family Initiative, LLC.
Beginning March 1, 2023, the Office of Community-Based Care Transition (OCBCT), along with DFPS, will begin preparations with EMPOWER for the transition to Community-Based Care. As the Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC), EMPOWER plans to receive its first child placement referral in early Fall 2023.
The Texas Family Initiative LLC EMPOWER program includes a child welfare collaborative designed to meet the unique needs of children and families in Dallas and surrounding counties. EMPOWER’s approach is community-driven and community-owned, which strengthens the local commitment and responsibility for the children and families in the area. EMPOWER was established to transform how children and families in the foster care system receive services. The collaboration consists of the Texas Family Initiative LLC (a leading child welfare agency in Texas) and local providers in the Metroplex East, including CK Family Services, Jonathan’s Place, The Bair Foundation, and Pathways Youth and Family Services. Texas Family Initiative LLC has a successful history of providing case management, adoption, residential treatment, behavioral health, and independent living services in Texas, while transforming the state’s child welfare system as an SSCC for Community-Based Care.
EMPOWER’s Community-Based Care program includes services to families that support safety, permanency, and wellbeing of children in the conservatorship of DFPS. As the SSCC in Metroplex East (Region 3E), EMPOWER will ensure the full range of services, which includes foster and kinship care, purchased client services, case management, and reunification services. EMPOWER will fully engage the community to help achieve positive outcomes for children.
Transitions from DFPS to SSCC
The Office of Community-Based Care Transition (OCBCT) spoke with former DFPS employees who took on new roles as Single Source Continuum Contractors (SSCCs). In this video, several SSCCs talk about their experience with the transition:
January 2023
Governor Greg Abbott appoints George Cannata as the Director of the Office of Community-Based Care Transition. Read more...
October 2022
DFPS and the Office of Community-Based Care Transition (OCBCT) are pleased to announce that they have taken the next step toward expanding Community-Based Care (CBC) by transitioning to CBC Stage II in the south central and hill country areas of Texas (Region 8b). This service area includes 27 Texas counties surrounding Bexar County.
In Stage II, Belong will provide case management, kinship, and reunification services in their community. Stage II expands the continuum of services to include services for families and to increase permanency outcomes for children. Belong is the first SSCC in Texas to move from Stage I to Stage II on the accelerated timeline of 12 months. This expedited transition was actualized through the collaboration and commitment of Belong, DFPS, and OCBCT.
August 2022
The Texas Family Code §264.157(c) authorizes the Office of Community-Based Care Transition (OCBCT) to contract on behalf of the DFPS in expanding community-based care, to, among other actions, “enable satisfactory unsolicited proposals for community-based care services to be accepted and implemented.” Texas Family Code §264.157(b) further states the Department must “accept and evaluate unsolicited proposals from entities based in this state to provide community-based care services in a geographic service area where the Department has not implemented community-based care.” For more information, visit the Single-Source Continuum Contractor Unsolicited Proposal Grants page and Grants page on the Texas Health and Human Services website.
April 2022
DFPS Seeks Contractors for New Community-Based Care Areas
DFPS is pleased to announce the next big step in the redesign of the Texas foster care system – the release of the Request for Application (RFA) for the next Community-Based Care areas. This RFA is to select the contractors that will oversee foster and kinship care placement, case management, and reunification services in the Metroplex East area (DFPS Region 3E), the Piney Woods area (Region 4), the Deep East area (Region 5), and the Permian & Concho area (Region 9). This will result in over half the state being served by Community-Based Care.
You can read and download the RFA online, which includes the procurement schedule.
DFPS recognizes that children and youth are too often placed outside of their communities, leaving behind family, friends, schools, churches, homes, and support systems. Through Community-Based Care, DFPS seeks to:
- Promote positive outcomes for children, youth, and families.
- Improve the overall process and quality of care.
- Align incentives with process and quality indicators to encourage developing services where they are needed.
- Focus on the needs of the children in these communities with the help of each Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC).
You will find more on Community-Based Care on the DFPS website. If you have any questions related to the RFA, please feel free to direct them to the procurement manager, Ross Hoffpauir.
All CBC community areas:

Existing and proposed CBC community areas:

South Central and Hill Country (Region 8b) Begins Transition to CBC Stage II
DFPS and the Office of Community-Based Care Transition (OCBCT) are pleased to announce that they have taken the next step toward expanding Community-Based Care (CBC) by beginning the transition to CBC Stage II in the south central and hill country areas of Texas (Region 8b). This service area includes 27 Texas counties surrounding Bexar County.
Belong, a division of SJRC Texas, has been operating as a local key community provider in the area for 37 years. SJRC Texas is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA) and is known for quality services with a high standard for integrity, accountability, and innovation. Belong seeks to deliver a Community-Based Care model to abused and neglected children and youth in Region 8b by enacting systemic changes that improve safety, expedite permanency and focus on child and family well-being, normalcy, and stability, while simultaneously growing capacity for the Texas foster care system.
March 2022
St. Francis Community Services Becomes the Third Single Source Continuum Contractor in Texas
St. Francis Community Services is the third single source continuum contractor to provide foster care case management, kinship, and family reunification services to youth and families in Texas. St. Francis Community Services entered Stage II of Community-Based Care on March 2, 2022. St. Francis Community Services, a division of St. Francis Ministries, has been providing a continuum of services in Region 1 since January 2020. Region 1 includes 41 Texas counties.
September 2021
Texas has taken the next step toward expanding Community-Based Care (CBC) by beginning the transition to CBC Stage II in Region 1. Region 1 includes 41 Texas counties.
St. Francis Community Services, a division of St. Francis Ministries, has been providing a continuum of services in this area since January 2020. In Stage II, St. Francis Community Services will begin providing case management services. The Office of Community-Based Care Transition and DFPS will spend the next few months working with St. Francis Community Services as they conduct readiness activities for the transition. Based on St. Francis Community Services and DFPS readiness, St. Francis Community Services will assume responsibility for Stage II services in March 2022.
July 2021
Governor Abbott Appoints Director of the Office of Community-Based Care Transition
As part of Senate Bill 1896, relating to the regulation of child-care facilities and foster care
placements and services, Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Theresa Thomas as the Director of the Office of Community-Based Care Transition. The news release is available on the governor's website. The Department of Family and Protective Services, along with the Health and Human Services Commission, will work together with the Office of Community-Based Care Transition on the implementation of Community-Based Care.