Expanding Community-Based Care

Community-Based Care is expanding to additional communities as they become ready to manage and provide foster care. In each area, a single organization contracts with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) to coordinate a seamless system of services for children under DFPS conservatorship. These children include those in paid foster care as well as those who live with relatives (kinship care). This organization is legally known as a Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC).
CBC is expanding in two stages to promote a smoother transition for the children and families it serves:
- In Stage I, the SSCC develops a network of services and places children in its foster homes or other living arrangements. The focus in Stage I is improving the overall well-being of children in foster care and keeping them closer to home and connected to their communities and families. This stage typically lasts 12 months.
- In Stage II, the SSCC provides case management, kinship, and reunification services. Stage II expands the continuum of services to include services for families and to increase the number of children and youth who find permanent homes. This stage typically lasts 18 months.
- Stage III begins at least 18 months after the contractor has begun providing case management to all children and families in the community area. In this stage, DFPS can assess the contractor fiscal incentives and remedies for outcomes related to performance, including permanency outcomes.
View a more detailed CBC roadmap and glossary (accessible text version).
View the latest Implementation Plan for additional details.
Proposed CBC Community Areas
The next areas of Texas that are targeted to transition to CBC are:
- Bexar County (DFPS Region 8a)
- El Paso (Region 10)
- Harris County (Region 6a)
- Bay Area/Montgomery (Region 6b)
Unsolicited Proposals
The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) typically requests proposals for each new community service area. However, DFPS welcomes unsolicited proposals. See the following for more information about proposals:
- SSCC Unsolicited Proposals
- External Bidder Data Requests
- DFPS and OCBCT Receive an Unsolicited Proposal for Region 7A
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