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Operations with a Compliance Certificate
Anyone wanting to operate a shelter care or an employer-based childcare operation must complete an application and get a compliance certificate. We conduct an on-site inspection before issuing the permit to make sure laws and minimum standards are met.
Shelter Care
Shelter care is childcare provided at a temporary shelter for children while their parents, who also live at the shelter, are away. At CCL, we regulate shelter care that involves seven or more children under the age of 14 for at least four hours a day, three or more days a week. Anyone wanting to operate a shelter care must pass criminal background checks and an initial inspection. We do not regularly inspect shelters, but do investigate allegations of child abuse or neglect or violations of licensing laws, rules, or minimum standards.
Employer-Based Childcare
Employer-based childcare cares for up to 12 children of employees (under age 14) for less than 24 hours per day in the same building where the parents work. CCL issues a compliance certificate only after the operation passes the application process, which includes criminal background checks and an inspection. An employer-based childcare doesn't have to meet minimum standards and is not inspected after it gets a certificate. As always, CCL will investigate allegations of child abuse or neglect or a violation of licensing laws or rules.
Violations and Technical Assistance
Our goal is to correctly and consistently enforce minimum standards for all types of childcare and to help them improve their compliance. Consistent understanding and enforcement of minimum standards is a challenge for all involved. That's why we analyze violations trends to get a better idea how consistent we are and to learn what technical assistance we can give providers to help them meet or exceed minimum standards in the future.
The data for these services is maintained by Texas Health and Human Services.