Group of Happy Kids

What's New

If you were not able to attend past T3C System Blueprint webinars, the recordings and presentations are available in the T3C webinar archive.

See the most recent edition of the Texas Child-Centered Care (T3C) System Blueprint (April 2024).

June 2024

The T3C Team is pleased to announce the release of new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

The T3C Team would also like to remind everyone to be on the lookout for the T3C System Blueprint July 2024 Edition, being released at the end of July.  This edition will include information about the Credentialing Processing.

April 2024

Release of the Second Edition of the Blueprint

DFPS released the second edition of the Texas Child-Centered Care (T3C) System Blueprint on April 29, 2024.  Also included is a Change Log that details each change in the new edition. 

DFPS hosted a webinar to discuss the changes of the T3C System Blueprint.  The recording and PowerPoint from the webinar are available in the webinar archives.

New Office Hours

The Texas Center for Child and Family Studies and DFPS are excited to partner together to announce virtual T3C Office Hours! T3C Office Hours will be regularly scheduled as a time to drop in and ask any questions you may have about T3C, as well as learn from each others' experience. T3C Office Hours are available for Licensed Providers only. T3C Office Hours start on May 10, 2024, at 10 a.m. and subsequent dates will be posted at

News Archive

March 2024

Attention all 24-hour Residential Childcare Providers

The Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services (TACFS)/The Center will be hosting a series of workshops across Texas called “T3C Ready: Texas Child-Centered Care System (T3C) Readiness Workshops”, in the month of April!

Who is invited? All licensed providers that contract with either DFPS or a Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC).

What is the purpose of the workshops? These workshops will be an opportunity for providers to start digging into the details of T3C and are meant to help prepare organizations for planning and implementation efforts.

The Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services (TACFS)/The Center will introduce an online T3C Readiness Assessment Tool that will aid providers in assessing their readiness and organizational needs. Bring your laptop! It will be a busy and interactive day.  TACFS/The Center will talk about the T3C System Blueprint, how to align your business to the T3C System model and capacity needs, and introduce and start your individual organizational assessment.

Providers may bring two or three staff per organization (depending on location) but should prioritize attendance for individuals who can examine their organization’s readiness and strategic business planning.

These workshops are designed to provide education about T3C and to assist providers as they identify and prepare for the service package(s) they will deliver.

When are these workshops?

Please note that the workshops listed below are being provided and hosted by TACFS/The Center.  To participate, providers must register using the links listed below.

***Lunch will be included at each seminar.

February 2024

DFPS released the first edition of the Texas Child-Centered Care (T3C) System Blueprint on February 29, 2024.

The Blueprint is a guide for Texas foster care stakeholders to gain an understanding of the framework and parameters inherent in each of the twenty-four Service Packages and three Add-On Services. 

The Texas Child-Centered Care System Blueprint is a product of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) and will be updated quarterly (January, April, July, October) to include revisions (if necessary) and provide detailed information related to transition and implementation of the T3C System. 

The transition to this new system will be an iterative process where lessons will be learned, and modifications will be made for continued improvement, so the T3C System Blueprint will be the primary vehicle for communicating changes.

Webinar Archive

If you are not able to attend past T3C System Blueprint webinars, you can watch the recordings posted here.

March 13, 2024 - T3C Blueprint Overview

May 7, 2024 - T3C Blueprint Second Edition Change Log Review

If you have trouble accessing information on this page, please contact Kaysie Taccetta.  Include a link to this page with an explanation of the issue you encountered.