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DFPS contracts with about 300 licensed residential child care providers to provide substitute care to children in DFPS’s managing conservatorship. Through these contracts, DFPS establishes the qualifications, standards, services, expectations, and outcomes for 24-hour child-care facilities and child-placing agencies.

DFPS has residential contract managers who assess, monitor, and manage these contracts. Residential contract managers serve as liaisons between DFPS field staff and providers to improve communication, gather input, and resolve conflicts. They also work closely with a third party reviewerExternal Link, Child Protective Services, and HHS Child Care LicensingExternal Link to ensure contractors comply with service level requirements, contracts expectations, and licensing standards.

Residential Child Care Contracting Opportunities

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) contracts with a variety of vendors. We contract directly for most services for clients and some goods and services that support the work of our employees. Current procurement opportunities are posted on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD)External Link.

Search by agency name or agency number (DFPS is 530) and status "posted" to locate current:

  • Requests for Proposals (RFP)
  • Requests for Applications (RFA)
  • Requests for Offers (RFO)
  • Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
  • Invitations for Bids (IFB)

Open Enrollment Opportunities

DFPS Open Provider Enrollments (PEN) procurement solicitations are posted on the HHS Procurement and Contract ServicesExternal Link website and on the ESBDExternal Link.

Applying for a Residential Child Care Contract with DFPS

Steps to contracting with DFPS:

Residential Child Care Contractors

Residential Child Care Contract Documents

The 24-Hour RCC Requirements apply to all contracts, with the exception of Supervised Independent Living contracts. The Uniform Terms and Conditions applies to all contracts.   

Child Placing Agency (CPA)

The following documents apply to all Child Placing Agency contracts, in addition to the above 24-Hour Requirements and Uniformed Terms and Conditions:

  • Open Enrollment
  • Supplemental, Special and Programmatic Conditions for CPA

General Residential Operation (GRO)

The following documents apply to all General Residential Operation contracts, including Residential Treatment Centers and Emergency Shelters, in addition to the above 24-Hour Requirements and Uniformed Terms and Conditions:

  • Open Enrollment
  • Supplemental, Special and Programmatic Conditions for GRO

Intensive Psychiatric Treatment Program (IPTP) 

The following documents apply to all Intensive Psychiatric Treatment Program, in addition to the above 24-Hour Requirements and Uniformed Terms and Conditions:

  • Open Enrollment
  • Supplemental, Special and Programmatic Conditions for IPTP

Treatment Family Foster Care (TFFC)

The following documents apply to all Treatment Family Foster Care, in addition to the above 24-Hour Requirements and Uniformed Terms and Conditions:

  • Open Enrollment
  • Supplemental, Special and Programmatic Conditions for TFFC

Residential Child Care Reports


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