The following payment rates are effective September 1, 2023.
24-Hour Residential Child Care Rates
Service Level | Type of Care | Payment Rate |
Basic | Child Placing Agency | $57.71 |
General Residential Operation (excluding Emergency Shelters) | $52.65 | |
Moderate | Child Placing Agency | $101.77 |
General Residential Operation (excluding Emergency Shelters) | $126.03 | |
Specialized | Child Placing Agency | $126.62 |
General Residential Operation (excluding Emergency Shelters) | $227.34 | |
Intense | Child Placing Agency | $218.11 |
General Residential Operation (excluding Emergency Shelters) | $324.52 | |
Intense Plus | General Residential Operation/Residential Treatment Center (GRO/RTC) | $480.86 |
Other | General Residential Operation/Emergency Care Services (GRO/ECS) | $153.09 |
Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program (IPTP) | $449.20 | |
Treatment Foster Family Care - Agency | $318.98 | |
Temporary Emergency Placement (TEP) | $480.86 |
Minimum Daily Reimbursement to a Foster Family
Service Level | Payment Rate |
Basic | $27.07 |
Moderate | $47.37 |
Specialized | $57.86 |
Intense | $92.43 |
Treatment Foster Family Care | $137.52 |
The amounts above are the minimum amounts that a child-placing agency must reimburse its foster families for clients receiving services under a contract with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
Supervised Independent Living (SIL)
Service Level | Type of Care | Payment Rate |
Host Home Setting | Young Adult Only | $35.21 |
Young Adult plus one (1) Child | $47.29 | |
Enhanced Case Management* | $47.54 | |
Non-College Dorm Setting | Young Adult Only | $45.17 |
Young Adult plus one (1) Child | $57.25 | |
Enhanced Case Management* | $47.54 | |
College Dorm Setting | Young Adult Only | $43.56 |
Young Adult plus one (1) Child | $51.82 | |
Apartment or Shared Housing Setting | Young Adult Only | $45.17 |
Young Adult plus one (1) Child | $57.25 | |
Enhanced Case Management* | $47.54 |
* Enhanced Case Management (ECM) services are not provided in college dorm settings.
Community-Based Care (CBC) Rates
Catchment Area | Blended Rate | Exceptional Care Rate |
Catchment Area 1 | $99.43 | $511.80 |
Catchment Area 2 | $104.13 | $511.80 |
Catchment Area 3W | $100.84 | $511.80 |
Catchment Area 3E | $101.61 | $511.80 |
Catchment Area 4 | $101.69 | $511.80 |
Catchment Area 5 | $98.23 | $511.80 |
Catchment Area 8b | $102.67 | $511.80 |
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