Document | Description |
Annual Plan | DFPS accomplishments and initiatives by State fiscal year. |
CAPTA Citizen Review Team Report | DFPS uses these reports to improve services and casework practice and to provide accountability for federal funding. |
Child Drownings | Demographics and statistics about children who drown in Texas. |
Data Book | Descriptive statistics and graphics detailing the services provided by DFPS. Updated annually. |
Finance and Budget | Operating Budgets and Legislative Appropriations Requests (LAR). |
Monthly Data | Preliminary monthly data on key measures. |
Reports and Presentations | Reports and presentations about DFPS programs and services, including those for the Texas Legislature, Governor, Legislative Budget Board , and other stakeholders. Agencywide | APS | CPS | Internal Audit | PEI | Rider Reports |
Room Sharing | Information about room sharing and safe sleep for babies, along with statistics about infant deaths in Texas where bed-sharing was a factor. |
Strategic Plans | Strategic plans required by state law. |
Title IV-B - Child and Family Services State Plans | Required for states to receive annual federal funds under Title IV-B of the Social Security Act through the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). |
Title IV-E - Foster Care and Adoption Assistance State Plans | Required for states to receive federal funds under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act for foster care and adoption assistance. |