Document Description
Annual Plan DFPS accomplishments and initiatives by State fiscal year.
CAPTA Citizen Review Team Report DFPS uses these reports to improve services and casework practice and to provide accountability for federal funding.
Child Drownings Demographics and statistics about children who drown in Texas.
Data Book Descriptive statistics and graphics detailing the services provided by DFPS. Updated annually.
Finance and Budget Operating Budgets and Legislative Appropriations Requests (LAR).
Monthly Data Preliminary monthly data on key measures. 
Reports and Presentations Reports and presentations about DFPS programs and services, including those for the Texas Legislature, Governor, Legislative Budget Board , and other stakeholders.
Agencywide | APS | CPS | Internal Audit | PEI | Rider Reports
Room Sharing Information about room sharing and safe sleep for babies, along with statistics about infant deaths in Texas where bed-sharing was a factor.
Strategic Plans Strategic plans required by state law.
Title IV-B - Child and Family Services State Plans Required for states to receive annual federal funds under Title IV-B of the Social Security Act through the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA).
Title IV-E - Foster Care and Adoption Assistance State Plans Required for states to receive federal funds under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act for foster care and adoption assistance.