Child Care Licensing Child Care Licensing

Child Care Investigations responsibilities include:

  • Investigating allegations of child abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
  • Working with law enforcement on joint investigations.
  • Coordinating with child care regulators to assure the safety, health, and well-being of children in out-of-home care.

Child Care Investigations (CCI) is a division of Child Protective Investigations that investigates child abuse, neglect, and exploitation allegations in licensed and regulated child care operations in the state, including both day care and 24-hour residential care settings, including foster care. CCI closely coordinates with Child Care RegulationExternal Link (CCR, formerly known as Child Care Licensing), a program of Texas Health and Human Services that regulates and inspects child care.

In a CCI investigation, an investigator may interview child care staff, family members, and others with knowledge to get enough information to determine if abuse, neglect, or exploitation occurred. At the end of the investigation, DFPS makes a ruling on each allegation. This ruling is called a disposition. Dispositions include the following:

  • Reason to believe: Abuse or neglect occurred based on a preponderance of the evidence. This means when all evidence is weighed, it is more likely than not that abuse or neglect occurred.  
  • Ruled out: Staff determines that it is reasonable to conclude that the abuse or neglect has not occurred based on the information available.
  • Unable to determine: DFPS concludes that none of the dispositions above is appropriate.  
  • Administrative closure: DFPS intervention is unwarranted based on information that comes to light after the case is assigned for investigation.

Programs in CCI

Day Care Investigations (DCI)

This program investigates child abuse, neglect, and exploitation in child care homes and centers.

Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI)

This program investigates child abuse, neglect, and exploitation in operations that provide 24-hour residential child care.

Complex Investigations Division (CID)

This division supports DCI and RCCI by:

  • Providing case assistance and consultations on high-risk and complex investigations to ensure child safety and provide guidance while the investigation is open and ongoing.
  • Conducting administrative review of investigative findings and provide secondary review and approval for all child fatality investigations and unable-to-determine dispositions, as well as conducting case analysis.
  • Developing tools and conducts qualitative case readings to monitor, track, and report measures related to CCI program policy, foster care litigation court orders, and field assessments.
  • Making recommendations and provides technical assistance related to policy, training, and ongoing program improvement.
How long does an investigation take?
What are the state laws that apply to CCI investigations?

Parent’s Guide to Child Care Investigations

What does Child Care Investigations (CCI) do in a child abuse, neglect, or exploitation investigation?
Why is CCI contacting me?
Will CCI take my child away?
Why does CCI need a photo or recording of my child? I don’t want information about my child to be public.
How can I know what is in a DFPS record about my child?
What happens when an investigation is completed?
Will DFPS talk to law enforcement about my case?
Do I need a lawyer? Can I collect my own evidence?

Caregiver’s Guide to Child Care Investigations

How do Child Care Investigations (CCI) and Child Care Regulation (CCR) work together during an investigation?
In what situations is a child care provider required to report a concern regarding an incident occurring in their child care operation?
As a child care provider, am I required to cooperate with a DFPS investigation?
What can a child care provider expect during an investigation?
What happens if a child care provider, or an employee of a child care provider, is found responsible for abuse, neglect, or exploitation?

Child Care Regulation

What is the difference between DFPS Child Care Investigations (CCI) and HHS Child Care Regulation (CCR)?
Does reporting an incident to HHS Child Care Regulation (CCR) satisfy my obligation to report suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation in a child care facility?

More Information

Data and Statistics

Jobs in CCI

Making a Report

Suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation in a child care or residential child care operation should be reported the Texas Abuse Hotline:


All DFPS case records are confidential by law and may only be released to specific individuals. When information may be released, specific information that is legally prohibited from release may be removed or redacted from the record prior to release.
For more information, see the webpage on requesting a copy of a case record.

What can I do if I disagree with the findings of an investigation?
What can I do if I disagree with the conduct of an investigation?