Child Protective Services (CPS) Child Protective Services

We all are responsible for making sure Texas children are safe. While the core mission of Child Protective Services and Child Care Licensing is to protect children, we can only keep children safe through a collaborative effort with communities, service providers and, most importantly, Texas families. 

There are many resources available to help keep children safe. Below, you can find various tools, tips, and resources to help in a variety of circumstances.

If you have a concern about a child that may be in danger or may be a victim for abuse or neglect, please contact the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services or law enforcement.  Call 1-800-252-5400 to make confidential reports, or report online at the Texas Abuse Hotline website.

Safety Information for Parents

Child Safety Campaigns

DFPS supports several child safety campaigns that can help you keep children safe in a variety of situations.

Stop Child Abuse

Tell Us Your Ideas

Please contact DFPS with any recommendations you have related to best practices for ensuring child safety. You can send recommendations to the DFPS Child Safety mailbox.