Active Contracts

Pursuant to Texas Government Code 2261.253External Link, this information is made available to comply with the requirements for transparency in state agency contracting and procurement. To obtain a copy of any contract document listed, email Contract Oversight and Support at the Contract Technical Assistance mailbox. This report is updated on a monthly basis.

Active DFPS Contracts

Contracts Exceeding $100,000

Pursuant to Texas Government Code 2054.126(d)(4)External Link, a list of all Administrative and Client Service contracts valued above $100,000 that DFPS has entered into which are either currently in service or will be effective shortly.

Listed contracts that are "Active" or "Approved" as of the last day of the preceding four quarters (namely November, February, May, and August) are included.

Reports are updated quarterly (December, March, June, and September).

Interagency Contracts Exceeding $10 Million

Pursuant to the General Appropriations Act, reports on interagency contracts with a value that exceeds or may reasonably be expected to exceed $10 million must be posted on the public DFPS website annually by September 30th.

Reports are updated yearly in September.