Frequently Asked Questions

Note: Recent FAQ additions are denoted with  at the bottom of each section.

Service Package Details

Are all Child Placing Agency (CPA)/Foster Family Home T3C Service Packages eligible for the Add-On Services?

No. The Short-Term Assessment Support Services Package is not eligible for the Add-On Services.  

Are all CPAs and General Residential Operations (GROs) eligible to provide all Service Packages and Add-On Services?

No. CPAs are only eligible to provide the 9 Support Services Packages, including T3C Basic Foster Family Home Support Services, and the 3 Add-On Services. GROs are only eligible to provide the 9 Services to Support Community Transition Packages in GRO Tier I, including T3C Basic Childcare Operation, and the 6 Stabilization Services Packages in GRO Tier II.   

Will GRO facilities be able to provide more than one Service Package?

Yes. They can become Credentialed to provide as many Service Packages as they would like, so long as they meet all the qualifications for providing each of those Service Packages.

What Service Packages will Emergency Shelters be eligible to apply to provide?

The GRO Service Package that most closely aligns with the services offered by Emergency Shelters in the current system is the Tier I: Emergency Emotional Support & Assessment Center Services.     

Will foster homes be able to provide more than one Service Package?

Yes, as long as the CPA has been Credentialed to provide those Service Packages and Add-Ons, and the CPA has Credentialed the foster home to provide those Service Packages and Add-Ons according to their approved policy.

Are there supposed to be differences between the current Contract and Open Enrollments for Treatment Foster Family Care and QRTPs, and the T3C Treatment Foster Family Care and Tier II GRO Service Package requirements?

Yes, there are some minor differences.

Is Tier I considered Treatment services?

This varies by Service Package, but for Tier I the GRO must be able to provide Treatment Services for the following Service Packages:

  • Sexual Aggression/Sex Offender Treatment Services to Support Community Transition
  • Substance Use Treatment Services to Support Community Transition
  • Emergency Emotional Support & Assessment Center Services
  • Complex Medical Needs Treatment Services to Support Community Transition
  • Intellectual or Developmental Disability (IDD)/Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment Services to Support Community Transition
  • Human Trafficking Victim/Survivor Treatment Services to Support Community Transition
  • Mental & Behavioral Health Treatment Services to Support Community Transition
Can you clarify the time frames for children that are 5 years old for the Short-Term Assessment Support Services Package?

For children age 5 and under, the CPA must coordinate and ensure that comprehensive assessments, evaluation, screenings, and treatment services are provided within 21 days of admission, including administering the CANS 3.0 Assessment. For children over the age of 5, the CPA must coordinate and ensure assessments and services are provided within 30 days of admission, including the CANS 3.0 Assessment. The maximum length of service and stay is 30 days for children age 5 and under. The maximum length of service and stay for children over the age of 5 is 45 days, with an option for one 15-day extension.   

What is the Logic Model?

A graphic depiction, developed by the provider, that presents the shared relationships among the resources, activities, inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impact for each Service Package and/or Add-On Service. A Logic Model depicts how the provider’s program will work, what it is expected to achieve, and identifies the components that will be used to inform provider program improvements through the continuous quality improvement process and is intended to change through this process.

Will you include resources or a list in the next Blueprint release that tell which treatment models are considered Evidence-informed?

At this time, DFPS is not intending to publish a listing of Evidence-informed Treatment Models in the April 2024 T3C System Blueprint. The T3C System is intentionally designed to allow providers flexibility in identifying the Evidence-informed or Evidence-based Treatment Model or Models that best serve as the framework or foundation for the agency or operation’s particular program based on the custom needs of the population served.

For the packages designed for those victims/survivors of human trafficking one of the training requirements states: "A Universal Human Trafficking Prevention Training specifically designed for victims/survivors of Human Trafficking is required for all staff and Direct Delivery Caregivers." Could you elaborate on what is meant by this?

This was to distinguish the fact that the needs of children, youth, and young adults that have been victims or are survivors of Human Trafficking-have different needs that cannot be addressed by the “Universal Human Trafficking Prevention Training for all staff and Caregivers” that is being designed by DFPS, they require something more specialized to prevent re-victimization.

What Service Package would the biological child of a youth or young adult who is parenting and is placed in the Tier I: Services to Support Community Transition for Youth & Young Adults who are Pregnant or Parenting Service Package have?

In terms of the biological child/children, who is placed with the youth or young adult in the Tier I: Services to Support Community Transition for Youth & Young Adults who are Pregnant or Parenting Service Package, the rate for the youth’s placement already includes funds intended for the care and maintenance of their child.

If a teenager is in her third trimester of pregnancy, will she be categorized under the Tier I: Complex Medical Needs Treatment Services to Support Community Transition or Tier II: Complex Medical Services to Support Stabilization while residing in a general residential facility?

The youth or young adult’s optimal Service Package would be informed by the CANS 3.0 Assessment, the Application for Placement, and ultimately the knowledge and expertise of the youth’s permanency planning team.

If a provider is not credentialed for the Kinship Services Add-On, can the agency still license kinship families to provide Basic Foster Family Home Services? Or is the Add- On a requirement for all Kinship homes that are licensed?

Yes, as long as the CPA is credentialed for the T3C Basic Foster Family Home Support Service Package, they can still credential & license kinship families to provide that specific package – the Kinship Caregiver Support Add-On is not a requirement in order to license kinship homes, it is just intended as an optional added benefit for CPAs that have programming and are Credentialed to provide the Kinship Add-On Service.

Does the required paid leave for all Direct Delivery Caregivers include part-time employees?

The T3C System Blueprint states “The General Residential Operation must have a staff benefit package that, at a minimum, includes paid annual vacation and sick leave for all Direct Delivery Caregivers and/or Cottage Parents to support wellness and retention”. This was intended to support full-time (40 hours/week) Caregivers. However, providers are not prohibited from including part-time Caregivers in the staff benefit package.

In the T3C System Blueprint, both the GRO-Tier I and Tier II Service Packages state “The GRO must have a customized daily Recreation Schedule that supports the physical, social, and emotional well-being needs of children in a manner that is age and developmentally appropriate, and consistent with the operation’s Treatment Model.” Does that mean customized for the individual child, like what is required for a child receiving Treatment Services under Minimum Standards, or does that mean customized to be appropriate for all of the children receiving a particular Service Package?

This refers to a Recreation Schedule that is specific to the population of children served by a single Service Package, which is customized to support their unique physical, social, and emotional well-being needs. If an individual child qualifies for Treatment Services under Minimum Standards, the provider would need to have a Recreation Schedule that is personalized to that individual child’s needs in compliance with Minimum Standards, which may include aspects of the Recreation Schedule customized for the population of children served under that child’s Service Package. Further questions on ensuring compliance with Minimum Standards should be directed to the provider’s Licensing Representative.

Why isn’t “Childcare Services” identified as a required Programmatic Service type under the Permit Services for all of the Service Packages in the T3C System Blueprint?

All residential operations permitted by HHSC-CCR have to provide “Child Care Services". It was not listed under Permit Services, because it is required for all Permit Types.

The GRO Service Packages require the residential provider to have Permit Services for Transitional Living under the Programmatic Services if the provider will accept youth age 14 and older. Isn’t that counter to the intent when a child needs a more structured treatment program, particularly for the GRO- Tier II Service Packages?

The inclusion of Transitional Living as a part of the Permit Services offers assurance that the operation has the skill, knowledge, and experiential learning programming available, as a part of the all-inclusive Service Package to meet the needs of youth while they are in the provider’s care. While Transitional Living is a Permit Programmatic Service required to become Credentialed to provide the Service Package to youth 14 and older, it does not serve as the entire basis for the Package. Standards and the T3C Blueprint emphasize adjusting/adapting transitional living services based on the custom needs of the child, which may vary based on age, development, length of stay, clinical needs, supervision needs, and where the individual youth is in relation to their own treatment. Providers are encouraged to reach out to their Licensing Representative if they have questions about how best to structure their program and policies to comply with all of the relevant Minimum Standards.

Can a provider subcontract for Aftercare Case Management?

The T3C System design envisioned the provider delivering Aftercare Case Management Services directly, in order to provide the child with a degree of continuity and connection to the people from their prior placement, DFPS is open to providers proposing other ways to meet Aftercare Case Management requirements, which may include contracting for those services.  DFPS would evaluate the provider’s proposal to determine if it meets the requirements/intent necessary to become Credentialed.

Are the T3C rates enough to cover the increased requirements?

The new rate methodology breaks down all of the requirements, including required positions and allots them an amount under the daily rate. Provider completion of the cost reports will ensure that future changes to rates are appropriate.

Do I need to employ or contract certain service providers, such as licensed therapists or physicians?

The T3C System Blueprint identifies what positions are required for each Service Package, and what positions are eligible for subcontracting, verses the positions that must be staff.

Where can we go for resources on how to implement aspects of the Service Packages, such as what does CQI look like, or getting support for developing logic models?

Specific questions that aren’t in the FAQ can be addressed to the T3C email box at There are also many resources available online, such as through the Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services’ T3C Ready website.

Is there a certain number of paid days of Intermittent Alternative Care (aka respite) that need to be provided?

The rate methodology for T3C is calculated based on 14 days of paid Intermittent Alternative Care per year to inform the Service Package rates.

Could you provide more guidance on what a Behavior Support Specialist/Mentor is and what kind of qualifications that individual might need?

For purposes of T3C, a Behavior Support Specialist/Mentor is an employee or contracted service provider, who builds rapport with the child, youth, or young adult, and seeks to engage, support, and coach the child and their Caregiver/s in the utilization of various techniques that will aid in optimizing the child’s functioning in an efficient and effective manner. The rate methodology staffing model is based on an individual with a Bachelor’s degree, similar to a Case Manager, to allow providers to have flexibility in filling the role for T3C Service Packages with staffing requirements including a Behavior Support Specialist/Mentor.

If a CPA has multiple branches, will each branch office be required to have it’s own Licensed Child Placing Agency Administrator if there is a LCPAA at the main location?

DFPS will defer to HHSC-CCR and Minimum Standards on this determination. The intent of the Staffing Requirement of “Full-time Licensed Child Placing Agency Administrator dedicated to single Child Placing Agency” in the Service Packages is not to exceed the Minimum Standards regarding main verses branch offices, it is only to prevent an LCPAA from one independent provider from being the LCPAA for another unaffiliated provider. 

If a CPA chooses not to become Credentialed for the Transition Support Services for Youth & Young Adults Add-On Service, does that mean that the CPA and Foster Home are not responsible for meeting the youth or young adult’s transition planning needs?

No, there will still be requirements surrounding addressing the youth or young adult’s transition planning needs regarding prudent parenting, normalcy, experiential learning and PAL services in the DFPS Contract or SSCC Provider Network Agreement contract that will not change under T3C. The Add-On Service provides extra funds for additional staff and financial support to the foster parents to defray the costs of supporting the youth or young adult with meeting their needs in a holistic way, but it does have added requirements beyond what is contained in the Contract.

If a CPA chooses not to take advantage of the Transition Support Services for Youth & Young Adults Add-On Service, do they still need to add the Transitional Living Programmatic Service to their Permit?

No, but they do need to ensure that they are permitted for the Young Adult Care Special Services if there may be young adults age 18+ in DFPS conservatorship placed in their foster homes.

If a provider has questions about Permit changes related to T3C compliance, who can we contact?

You can access HHSC-CCR staff who are familiar with T3C by emailing the Minimum Standards box at

What does care look like under T3C?

What are the required child caregiver ratios?

The Licensing Minimum Standards include the mandated child to staff caregiver ratios. T3C includes ratio guidelines that informed the rate methodology and vary based on an operation’s specific Evidence-informed Treatment Model, and dependent on the complexity of the caseload.

Can provider case managers have dual roles, i.e. a child’s case manager can also act as the child’s aftercare case manager once the child is discharged?


Some service packages have expectations around therapists per a specified number of children. If the therapists are engaging in Medicaid billable activities, what is accounted for in the rate?

Licensed therapists are included in many of the Service Packages to oversee treatment and service planning for children, youth, and young adults.

If the child’s needs change, does the Service Package change?

If the child’s behaviors or emotional needs change, such that the child could potentially be better served by a different Service Package, the provider would want to communicate with the child’s SSCC or DFPS Caseworker so that a new CANS 3.0 assessment can be performed to determine if the change in Service Package is recommended. Based on the CANS results, the knowledge and professional judgement of the SSCC or DFPS staff and the child’s stakeholders, based on the child’s individual needs and best interest would be the basis for the selection of the actual Service Package.

In regards to sibling group placements, how do you credential and prepare a foster home for needs that could be identified later as traumas arise, but be able to maintain the sibling group placement?

The model allows for flexibility in credentialing for multiple service packages, so that providers can serve the needs that arise in the same placement. It is important that the provider ensure that they create a training plan to prepare the foster family for all possible service packages that they are credentialed for.

What does oversight of compliance with T3C implementation look like?

There will be a monitoring process, that is currently under development, as well as periodic recredentialing.

What evidence do we have that T3C will work?

The design of T3C was largely based on provider and other stakeholder input, and as the experts in the industry, what those individuals determined would be needed to provide quality services to children in foster care.  The transition to this new system will be an iterative process where lessons will be learned, and modifications will be made for continued improvement. Successful implementation can only be achieved if there is frequent, timely, and transparent communication between the Department and all stakeholders.  There will be a 3rd party Continuous Quality Assurance and Improvement process that will use data and stakeholder input to further improve the system as T3C is implemented and into the future.

What is the difference between GRO Tier I and Tier II for children with behavioral health needs?

The main difference is the objective for the services and the level of intervention needed to ensure the child’s needs are able to be met—GRO: Tier II focuses on services for children that are having a hard time self-regulating and are yet not at a place to be able to successfully participate and complete a treatment program.  GRO Tier I (with the exception of the Basic Child Care and Emergency Emotional Support and Assessment Center) is designed for children who need RTC treatment but through less-intensive means when compared to their peers in a Tier II setting.

Credentialing Process

Will a residential provider have to undergo a separate Credentialing process with DFPS and the SSCCs (Single Source Continuum Contractor), or even with each SSCC?

No. DFPS is in the process of establishing a single-streamlined Credentialing process, where once Credentialed, the provider will be eligible to provide the distinct Service Package(s) to any child or youth in DFPS Conservatorship, or young adult in Extended Foster Care. Separate from the Credentialing process, providers will still be required to enter into contracts with DFPS and/or the SSCCs to deliver the services.

Will DFPS have to review and credential each of a CPA's homes?

No. Once a CPA becomes Credentialed to provide one or more of the Service Packages and/or Add-On Services, the organization will be required to have a process (which will be evaluated as a part of the CPA’s Credentialing process) in place to assess individual foster homes and Caregivers to provide the CPA’s Credentialed services. 

Do all foster homes have to be Credentialed for T3C Basic Foster Family Home Support Services, as well as any additional Service Packages that they actually want to provide?

No. Foster homes providing the Short-Term Assessment Support Services and T3C Treatment Foster Family Care Support Services Packages are not required to be Credentialed in T3C Basic Foster Family Home Support Services.

Can a foster home be Credentialed to provide the T3C Treatment Foster Family Care Services Package, the Mental & Behavioral Health Support Services Package, and the Human Trafficking Victim/ Survivor Support Services Package, depending on the referrals they receive?

Yes, so long as the CPA has been Credentialed to provide those Service Packages, and the CPA has Credentialed the foster home to provide those Service Packages according to their approved policy.

Do all GRO Tier I operations have to be Credentialed for T3C Basic Child Care Operation Service Package, as well as any additional Service Packages that they actually want to provide?


Does a residential provider have to get Credentialed to provide Supervised Independent Living (SIL) Services?


Does T3C follow current minimum standards?

Yes. The Permit Type(s) and Permit Service(s) are based on current RCCR (Residential Child Care Regulation) Minimum Standards requirements and are included to show what type of Permit and/or Services would be required to become Credentialed to provide a particular Service Package. 

Do Add-On Services need to be listed on the Permit?

Yes. In order to become Credentialed the Child Placing Agency will need their Permit to reflect the corresponding Permit Services as listed for the particular Add-On Service in the T3C System Blueprint.

Will providers need new permits?

A new permit is not required, unless the provider is seeking to become Credentialed for a Service Package(s) that requires a different type of permit than what the organization is operating under today.

Are new policies and procedures required for T3C?

Yes. Updated or revised policies/procedures will need to be submitted as part of the Credentialing process.

How does a Child Placing Agency (CPA) determine which foster home can provide service packages beyond basic?

The CPA needs to assess the skills and experience of the foster caregivers and their desire to work with children presenting certain needs. The CPA will need to include the process for assessment and credentialing in their policies for review during the CPA’s credentialing.

What will the process look like for agencies, to include any ongoing evaluation, as related to completion of Credentialing and the development of a logic model?

DFPS will release an update to providers outlining the step-by-step Credentialing process, including a comprehensive list of what providers will need to submit to become Credentialed. This list and step-by-step process is anticipated to be released in July of 2024. At a minimum, it is anticipated that providers will be required to demonstrate and articulate the ability to provide the distinct Service Package and/or Add-On Service(s) based on the provider’s /operation’s infrastructure, specific policy, procedures, organization charts, business and training plans, and the Treatment and Logic Models. Providers will maintain Credentialed status for a period. Prior to the expiration of the Credentialed timeframe, the provider will need to apply to become re-Credentialed. As the foster care system transitions to the T3C System, there will be changes to the policy, process, and tools used to monitor SSCC and Residential Child Care Contracts. DFPS will be working internally, and with stakeholders to inform the modifications, and to finalize the new approach to monitoring and oversight.

What is the state’s priority for credentialing each of the services packages?

DFPS is currently working with the SSCCs and other stakeholders to develop the Interim and the Full Credentialing process- depending on the number of applications submitted at a given time, DFPS may have to prioritize the order in which applications are processed.  This will be informed by which of the Service Packages represent the greatest need for children and youth in care at the time.

What does Licensing look at as far as Credentialing?

To be clear, HHSC-CCR is not involved in the Credentialing process, it is a process that is being controlled by DFPS, although if a provider has questions about how to change their permit for the purpose of being Credentialed, the provider can contact and CCR staff that have been familiarized with T3C can provide assistance.

The Permit Type and Permit Service(s) listed in the Blueprint will be verified as a part of the Credentialing process.  The process is being built in a way that avoids duplication- meaning if Licensing has already verified that the provider’s policy, procedures, staffing model, etc. meets the requirements to provide certain services based on minimum standards or law, then DFPS will not be asking for submission of the same information as part of the Credentialing process as long as the minimum standards fulfill the entirety of the T3C requirements; rather DFPS would only ask for a copy of the provider’s Permit with Services (as listed by Service Package in the Blueprint) attached.

CANS 3.0 Assessment

Who administers the CANS 3.0 Assessment?

The SSCC or DFPS (in areas not yet under Community-Based Care) will be responsible for administering the CANS 3.0 Assessment.

How will providers know the results of the CANS 3.0 Assessment?

The enhanced CANS 3.0 Assessment results will continue to be entered into eCANS by the CANS Assessor staff and will be accessible to medical and behavioral health providers through STAR Health, as well as residential provider staff with Health Passport access.

When is the CANS 3.0 Assessment completed?

All children ages 3 years and older will receive an initial CANS 3.0 assessment within 30 days of removal, and annually thereafter. For children receiving therapeutic services, a CANS 3.0 assessment will be required every 90 days from the date of the initial CANS 3.0 assessment. A CANS 3.0 assessment will also be required at the time of a child’s placement change or at the request of the SSCC or DFPS (if still under legacy) caseworker.

Is the CANS 3.0 Assessment recommendation for a Service Package the sole determining factor for where the child is placed?

No. When determining placement for a child under T3C, the process considers the following:

  • The CANS 3.0 Assessment, which will provide a recommended Service Package;
  • The child’s removal affidavit and current Application for Placement, which will provide more details on the child’s needs, history, and family functioning; and
  • The knowledge and professional judgment of the SSCC or DFPS staff working to secure placement based on the individual child’s needs and best interest. 
What happens if a child, who is brand new to conservatorship, is placed under a Service Package to meet a particular need that was identified in the child’s Application for Placement, but the CANS 3.0 Assessment recommendation does not match that Service Package?

The CANS 3.0 Assessment will identify the Service Package recommendation based on the child’s most challenging primary need; if the CANS 3.0 Assessment results in a recommendation that does not match the initial Service Package selection for the child’s placement, then:

  • First it needs to be determined whether the current residential provider is Credentialed for the recommended Service Package. If so, then the child will remain in the same placement, but the Service Package can be updated to match the recommendation.
  • If the child’s current placement is not Credentialed to provide the recommended Service Package, then the DFPS or SSCC staff and the child’s various stakeholders need to determine whether remaining in the current placement is in the child’s best interest, or if a different placement should be sought to better meet the child’s needs.
How will you be able to accurately assess the child’s needs, especially behavioral/emotional needs, if the CANS 3.0 is done in the first 30 days, yet behaviors often don’t surface until after the honeymoon period (up to 3 months)?

If the child’s behaviors or emotional needs change, such that the child could potentially be better served by a different Service Package, the provider would want to communicate with the child’s SSCC or DFPS Caseworker so that a new CANS 3.0 assessment can be performed to determine if the change in Service Package is recommended. Based on the CANS results, the knowledge and professional judgement of the SSCC or DFPS staff, working with the child’s various stakeholders, based on the child’s individual needs and best interest would be the basis for the selection of the actual Service Package.

Will young adults age 18 and older be required to complete the CANS 3.0 assessment on the schedule required by the Service Package that they are placed in, or at least annually if they are placed in Supervised Independent Living (SIL)?


Logistically, how is the CANS 3.0 going to be accomplished? The shear volume seems like a huge undertaking… will this potentially be passed down to the child care providers?

The number of new DFPS and SSCC staff positions allocated to complete the CANS 3.0 for the children required to receive it at the frequency required was calculated based on historical and forecast data. While there may be challenges during the initial transition, such as getting children their first CANS 3.0 assessment and on the needed schedule, there is not an anticipated need for this role to move to providers.

For a child or youth that is non-verbal, how can the CANS accurately assess them for a service package?

The CANS Assessment would take into account the documentation in the child or youth’s current and historical case file, as well as interviews with other required individuals. While the CANS 3.0 Assessment recommended Service Package, and other supporting documentation will be used to inform the process, the knowledge and professional judgement of the SSCC or DFPS staff working to secure placement based on the individual child’s needs and best interest will be the basis for the selected Service Package and placement type.

In cases where a child or youth needs to be immediately placed, due to allegations of abuse or neglect, how does that work with needing a CANs Assessment?

There will be situations where the need for a placement is urgent or the child’s needs are such that there is no time to complete the CANS 3.0 Assessment, Pre-Placement visit, etc. The caseworker will still make a request for the CANS assessment for the child. In these circumstances the caseworker would select the initial recommended service package and would have the opportunity to update the packages after the CANS is completed.

If a full CANS assessment will be conducted each time, I am concerned about the long-term validity due to assessment fatigue. If a child is required to complete a CANS assessment, per T3C service package requirements, more than once per year, will the full assessment be administered each time, or will an abridged version be administered to prevent assessment fatigue?

The CANS captures the story of the child.  It is not a tool used for discovery but rather a tool that organizes the information gleaned from the discovery process (aka assessment).  Once the story of the child is captured at one point in time, an update will be needed as required under T3C to update that story as new information is learned; typically referred to as a re-assessment.  With the CANS, the re-assessment is really updating the information that needs to be updated, not re-doing the entire CANS.  The CANS re-assessment will not take up a lot of time - The information from the previous CANS should populate the ‘re-assessment’ CANS and then the assessor can update the items that need to be changed because there is new information.  A change in any ratings will also require a brief rationale to be provided explaining any changes.

Will DFPS staff be responsible for becoming certified in administering the CANS 3.0 assessment?

Yes, to ensure that the person administering the CANS 3.0 Assessment has access to the most current information on the case, administration of the CANS 3.0 Assessment will move from STAR Health to the child welfare system under the T3C System.  A new type of staff, known as the CANS Assessor, will be a part of the placement team for each Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC) and DFPS (in areas that have not yet transitioned to CBC).

For children who are newly entering DFPS conservatorship, will the CANS' Recommended Service Package be known prior to their placement?

No, there will be situations where the need for a placement is urgent or the child’s needs are such that there is no time to complete the CANS 3.0 Assessment, as the CANS Assessors will still have 30 days to complete the initial CANS Assessment. The initial removal placement will be guided by other supporting documentation from the child's Case File to inform the process, the knowledge and professional judgement of the SSCC or DFPS staff working to secure placement based on the individual child’s needs, and best interest will be the basis for the selected Service Package and placement type.

Making the Transition

Under the T3C System, will General Residential Operations and Foster Family Home no longer be reimbursed according to the child’s Level of Care?

That’s correct. DFPS will no longer reimburse the SSCC or DFPS Residential Contractors in accordance with the Service Level System.

When do providers need to start planning the transition?

Providers should initiate the planning process now.

Is the T3C System Blueprint the Contract requirements for residential provider operations to provide T3C?

The T3C System Blueprint is not intended to replace or encompass all contractual terms and conditions, but it does lay out the framework and parameters that will be requirements when they are incorporated into the DFPS RCC Contract and the DFPS-SSCC Contracts.

Does a residential provider have to use the Universal Human Trafficking Prevention Training created by DFPS and disseminated through a "Train the Trainer" model?

No, providers may choose to adopt this model and train their staff and Caregivers on the Universal Training, or they may submit for review and approval, as a part of the Credentialing process, a different model and training that they intend to use to meet this requirement under T3C.     

Can a residential provider still utilize a Treatment Model that they have developed?

Yes. The provider’s Treatment Model can be one that they have developed independently or one that they have purchased, so long as it is Evidence-informed and meets the core elements identified throughout the T3C System Blueprint for each Service Package for which the provider becomes Credentialed.  The T3C Treatment Model should be based on certain qualifying assumptions around the specific population (as defined by the Service Package and/or Add-On Service(s)) served and must be customized to treat and provide care based on these unique needs.  All provider staff and Caregivers must be trained in and actively practice the organization’s Treatment Model. 

The T3C System Blueprint emphasizes that therapy services should be authorized and paid for through STAR Health, but can a residential provider have the majority of therapists utilized on staff and pay them a salary or contract directly with them?

Medicaid eligible services should be sought through STAR Health.

Can a residential provider continue to utilize Microsoft Word and Excel documents through the operation’s shared Google Drive as their Information Technology (IT) System?

Residential providers are required to have an Information Technology (IT) System(s) that allows for data collection to support quality assurance, Continuous Quality Improvement, case management documentation, billing/invoicing, reporting, and child-level outcome tracking processes. The provider must have the ability to track placement referrals, admissions, and discharge data by child, youth, or young adult, broken out by referral source (whether SSCC or DFPS), by the number and percentage of referrals that did and did not result in admission, the reasons for denial of admissions based on referrals, and for children that were admitted, the average Length of Service, based on the time from admission to discharge.

What does the transition of CPAs and their Foster Homes look like?

During the transition, DFPS will maintain a centralized Credentialing system and CPAs, once Credentialed by DFPS for the provision of certain Service Packages, will then be able to utilize their approved policy to Credential each of their foster homes for one or more Service Packages, based on the individual foster home’s specialty or interests. 

How are CPAs with multiple branches supposed to address the Generally Appropriate Staff to child ratios? Does each branch need to meet that same approximate staff ratio for each Service Package, or does the total number of all specific staff positions that serve that Service Package across all branches need to meet that same ratio?

It is based on the total number of children, youth and young adults who the CPA serves in a certain Service Package(s) across all branches.

Will T3C completely replace the Service Levels System?


Will Providers need new DFPS contracts?

The plan is for DFPS to amend DFPS contracts with Residential Contractors and SSCCs to include the Service Package(s) and Add-On Service(s) requirements based on the type(s) of service(s) the individual provider is Credentialed to provide.

How long does it take for a residential provider to obtain an additional Permit Service in order to be eligible for offering a Service Package?

The Permit process is managed by the HHSC-Child Care Regulation Division, so DFPS encourages providers to initiate the process by reaching out to their Licensing Representative to discuss the addition. HHSC-CCR estimates that the process takes an average of a month for review and approval.

Will DFPS be releasing a list of approved evidence-informed Treatment Models?

Selection of the appropriate evidence-informed Treatment Model is a provider decision, and the Department does not intend to maintain a listing or directory of approved evidence-informed Treatment Models at this time.

Is there a grace period for the implementation process?

Providers will have to become Credentialed before September 1, 2027.

What happens if/when a provider cannot meet the deadline to implement T3C?

If a provider chooses not to actively work towards implementation of T3C to become Credentialed before September 1, 2027, then DFPS and the SSCCs would make a determination as that deadline approaches on when they would discontinue placing children with that provider and move children to Credentialed providers.  

Is DFPS going to streamline processes?

DFPS is streamlining the Credentialing process by only requiring that a provider submit to the process through DFPS, as opposed to having multiple processes where providers would submit to both DFPS and the SSCCs, to support efficiency and consistency during transition. The interim credentialing process will allow eligible providers to begin providing services at T3C rates, while working towards becoming fully credentialed.

What is the role of emergency shelters in T3C?

The GRO Service Package that most closely aligns with the services offered by Emergency Shelters in the current system is the Tier I: Emergency Emotional Support & Assessment Center Services, but the requirements of this Service Package are such that emergency shelters will likely have to make changes to their HHSC-CCR permits, and the staffing and services that they offer.

What happens to TLPs or SILs when they don’t fall into those tiers?

Supervised Independent Living operations (SILs) will continue to be part of the T3C Foster Care Continuum and full array of services for young adults age 18 and over, although SILs do not explicitly fit into the Foster Family Home and GRO Tier I and Tier II Service Packages.  A Transitional Living Program is a Programmatic Service permitted by HHSC-CCR, which will be required for all GRO Tier I and Tier II Service Packages that accept children age 14 and older, as assurance that the operation has the skill, knowledge, and programming available, as a part of the all-inclusive Service Package to meet the needs of youth while they are in the provider’s care.  Minimum Standards and the T3C Blueprint emphasize adjusting/adapting transitional living services based on the custom needs of the youth- which may vary based on age, development, length of stay, clinical needs, supervision needs, and where the individual youth is in regards to their own treatment. Current TLP providers, most of which maintain the TLP as part of their GRO, will need to identify an appropriate Service Package that complements the needs of the youth who their program focuses on, such as Tier I: T3C Basic Child Care Operation, and modify their policies and procedures accordingly.

Will YFT be involved in T3C?

As the Texas Foster Care System evolves into T3C, the need for services provided by YFT will also evolve.

I am a new provider. Where do I start?

Refer to the Community Based Care Map to determine if you will be providing services in a SSCC catchment area, and if so, contact the SSCC for that area to inquire about what capacity is needed.

How can we get assistance to be able to navigate implementing T3C in our own program?

If you have specific questions on the Blueprint that are not addressed in the current FAQs, please reach out to our mailbox  For additional training opportunities, please visit, and you can reach out to the mailbox for questions about a Readiness Assessment that can help you to tailor implementation to your own program.

When will funding be available? How long will the funding be guaranteed?

The 88th Legislature fully funded the foster care rates presented under the T3C rate methodology for the current biennium, and these rates will be available to pay to Credentialed providers under the T3C System in January 2025.  Cost Reports specific to T3C will be used to inform adjustments to the rates as determined by the Texas Legislature through the appropriations process.

Do you already need to already be contracted as a QRTP in order to apply for a Credential for Tier II Service Packages?

No, you just need to meet all of the requirements in the T3C System Blueprint for the Tier II Service Packages that you are applying to be Credentialed for.

How will T3C align with Community Based Care, in terms of how the SSCC's pay, monitor, etc.?

All SSCCs will be required to utilize T3C Service Packages in some way. Each SSCC will have the ability to determine what service packages they wish to purchase from providers to meet the needs of their communities. DFPS will reimburse each SSCC in accordance with the same Methodological Rate Schedules found in the Blueprint during the transition. Under the T3C System, SSCCs will continue to have flexibility within the Community-Based Care model to pay Residential Child Care providers using a customized rate schedule, with a minimum pass-through requirement established in the SSCC contract. The evolution of monitoring under the T3C System is still in the initial planning stages, but updates will be available in future versions of the T3C System Blueprint.

Will providers still be required to comply with “Cost Report” accounting under T3C?

Yes, the Cost Report will change from being Service Level-based to T3C-based, and the first Cost Report specifying the T3C breakdowns would be due in FY2026. The new Cost Report will be more complex as it will follow the elements/requirements listed for the Service Package(s). Those requirements align with the methodology used to calculate the rates, so it is safe to assume that the cost report will ask for costs associated with those elements.

If an operation wants to utilize the Universal Human Trafficking Training that DFPS is developing, what will that look like?

DFPS will host Train-the-Trainer sessions that providers can send their intended training staff person to obtain training on the curriculum and facilitation in Fall, 2024. DFPS will also ensure that additional opportunities are available for training provider Trainers in the future.

Is the "Foster Family Home Pass Through Portion" identified for Service Packages in the Blueprint a minimum or maximum? Can it be changed by the SSCC?

It is the minimum daily amount that the CPA must pass through to the Foster Family. SSCCs will continue to have flexibility within the Community-Based Care model to negotiate and pay Residential Child Care providers using a customized rate schedule, however the Foster Family Home Pass Through Portion for the foster family is still a minimum pass-through requirement established in the SSCC contract.

The Placement Process

Once a residential provider is Credentialed, will all children who are already placed under that provider automatically convert from a Service Level to a T3C Service Package?

 Once a provider is Credentialed in one or more service packages, all of the children placed under the provider will need to receive a CANS 3.0 Assessment; CPAs will have an additional step of Credentialing all of their foster homes for any or all of the Service Packages that the CPA is Credentialed to provide, according to the CPA’s approved policy.  If the child, youth, or young adult’s CANS 3.0 Assessment recommends a Service Package that is not offered in the current placement, the SSCC or DFPS permanency planning team and provider will work together to determine the appropriate Service Package.

So, can a child remain placed with the same residential provider and be transitioned to T3C when the provider becomes Credentialed, without having to move?


When a child is brand new to conservatorship, what Service Packages would be eligible to accept the child before the CANS 3.0 Assessment is complete?

T3C envisions that most children coming into care will be placed in a foster home Credentialed for T3C Basic Foster Family Home Support Services or Short-Term Assessment Support Services, or if GRO services is the preference, then either T3C Basic Child Care Operation or Emergency Emotional Support & Assessment Center Services. However, if there are specific details of the child’s needs in the Application for Placement that indicate an apparent need for a particular Service Package, for example a Complex Medical Needs or Medically Fragile Support Services foster home or a Human Trafficking Victim/Survivor Treatment Services to Support Community Transition Service Package GRO, then the DFPS or SSCC staff can work with the Placement Team to identify an appropriate provider .

Will SSCC’s still receive blended rates and be able to determine rates for their network providers for children that are placed with network providers that are not yet Credentialed to provide T3C?

DFPS will reimburse the SSCC the methodological rate for the corresponding Service Package. The SSCC’s will continue to negotiate the terms and conditions of their contracts, including customized rates with their network providers.

Can a child that qualifies for Treatment Services under Minimum Standards be placed in either a Support Services Package in a foster home or a Services to Support Community Transition Package in a GRO Tier I?


Who ultimately decides which package a child is eligible for, and how is the start date of the new reimbursement level communicated?

Based on the CANS results, the knowledge and professional judgement of the SSCC or DFPS staff and the child’s stakeholders, including the placement provider, based on the child’s individual needs and best interest, would be the basis for the selection of the Service Package. If the child remains in the same placement under a different Service Package, there will be an agreed start date that is communicated.