The safest way for your baby to sleep

Room-sharing without bed-sharing is the safest way for your baby to sleep. This means your baby sleeps in the same room with you, but in his or her own safety-approved crib, bassinet, or play yard.

Adult beds are not made for babies. They can interfere with your baby's ability to breathe. Babies can get smothered by soft bedding or trapped between you and the mattress.

Room-sharing allows your baby to be close to you without sharing a sleep surface that could put your baby at risk.

Why Not Bed-Sharing?

Bed-sharing, also known as co-sleeping, creates risks for your baby. How? There are several ways:

  • Babies can get stuck between the mattress and wall.
  • Sleeping on soft surfaces like an adult mattresses, couches, or recliners can make it hard for a baby to breathe. Very young babies are especially at risk because their neck muscles are not strong enough to turn their head away from anything that may block their nose and mouth.
  • Blankets, stuffed animals, and pillows found in adult and child beds can cover a baby's face and cause suffocation.
  • When you or an older child shares a sleep surface with a baby, there's a risk of rolling on top of the baby.  Even if you think your baby might be safer right next to you, keeping a baby within arm's reach on a separate sleep surface is much safer.

Bed sharing is particularly dangerous if:

  • The baby is under three months old.
  • There are multiple people in the bed - even other babies.
  • An adult is very tired, or is a smoker, or using alcohol, medications or illegal drugs.


Total Texas infant deaths where bed-sharing was a factor.

Fiscal Year Number of Fatalities
2025 44
2024 99

Note: Caseworkers have recorded these numbers during the normal course of investigations. Each year represents a state fiscal year covering September 1 through August 31.

Detailed Statistics

Total Texas infant deaths where bed-sharing was a factor.

  • 2025
  • 2024

fiscal year through 03/11/25

Category Fatalities
Abuse/Neglect Related Fatalities 2
Non-Abuse/Neglect Related Fatalities 42
Total Fatalities 44
Age Fatalities
Under 1 year 43
1-3 years 1
4-6 years 0
Over 6 years 0
Total 44
Gender Fatalities
Male 23
Female 21
Unknown 0
Total 44
Race/Ethnicity Fatalities
African American 15
Anglo 8
Hispanic 17
Other 4
Total 44