DFPS helps find safe and loving homes for children in our care.
- We work with families to safely return children to their homes or place them with an alternative family
- Learn how families can help with kinship care
- Become a foster care parent
- Find a child to adopt in the Texas Adoption Resourse Exchange (TARE).
- Information on adoption assistance
- Supporting older foster youth as they become adults.
Families Open Homes and Hearts with Kinship Care
Family members can help give children with a safe, loving, and stable home when they are unable to live with their parents. With kinship care - or relative care - children benefit by living with relatives they know and trust in a place that's familiar and safe.
Give Children a Safe Place to Live: Foster Care
Foster care gives children who are unable to live with their parents or other family members a safe place to live until they can return to their parents' home or are found a permanent home.
Reuniting Families and Finding Children New Forever Homes
After CPS removes a child from their home, our caseworkers work with families on what we call a permanency plan. It's a road map to getting the child into a safe and permanent home. First, we work with families to return the child to a parent or parents, and that is usually what happens. But, if that's not possible, we work to find an alternative family (preferably a kinship family) to adopt or accept legal custody of the child.
With adoption or legal custody (permanent managing conservatorship or PMC), a new family makes a lifelong commitment to a child - giving the child a chance to have a "forever" home without CPS in his or her life.
- Learn about adoption or permanent managing conservatorship (PMC)
- Learn more about adoption options
- Learn more about permanency options
- Adoption resources and support
- Find a child to adopt on the Texas Adoption Resource Exchange (TARE)External Link
Helping Foster Youth Become Successful Adults
The State of Texas DFPS has many programs to support older foster youth as they become young adults. These programs make their transition to adulthood smoother and help them identify and achieve long-term goals at school, at work, and in everyday life. The benefits can include assistance with college tuition, health coverage, housing, and much more.