Who purchases client services for DFPS?

DFPS relies on the Procurement and Contracting Services (HHS-PCS) division on Health and Human Services (HHS) for the procurement of goods and services for our agency. While DFPS provides subject matter expertise for the goods and services it purchases, HHS-PCS provides the subject matter expertise for the procurement process.

What are Client Services?

DFPS, with assistance from HHS-PCS, buys goods and services from contracting entities when Child Protective Services (CPS), or Adult Protective Services (APS) identify the need for goods or services.

Examples of CPS services that DFPS contracts for include:

  • Residential services
  • Home study and report services
  • Parent and caregiver training
  • Evaluation and Treatment
  • Preparation for Adult Living services
  • Adoption and post-adoption services
  • Community-Based Care

Examples of APS services that DFPS contracts for include:

  • Personal Assistance Care
  • Home Repair
  • Assisted Living
  • Heavy Cleaning

Specific DFPS employees handle client services duties such as planning the purchasing of contracted services, contract administration, contract management, contract monitoring and accountability.

DFPS divisions responsible for contracting include:

Other Funding Opportunities

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) also obtains services that may support DFPS programs. For more information, visit the HHSC Business and Contracting Opportunities home pageExternal Link.

Partnering with DFPS

DFPS partners with and supports other organizations that seek competitive grant opportunities when those grants are consistent with the mission and programs of DFPS. In these cases, DFPS may provide either a Letter of Support or a Letter of Commitment when requested. To learn more and request a letter, visit the Partnering with DFPS page.

Administrative Purchases

DFPS works with the HHS-PCS to buy goods and services from contracting entities and the Texas Procurement and Support Services Office to buy goods and services not directly related to clients. These include hotel rentals, training, office supplies, and janitorial services. Purchases of more than $25,000 are listed on the Texas Procurement and Support Services Office's Electronic State Business DailyExternal Link.

Information Technology (IT) Procurement

If you're an Information Technology (IT) vendor that wants to do business with DFPS, register for the state's Centralized Master Bidders ListExternal Link (CMBL) on the Comptroller's websiteExternal Link. Then, watch the Electronic State Business DailyExternal Link (ESBD) and the Department of Information ResourcesExternal Link (DIR) list of current contracting initiativesExternal Link for business opportunities.

Note that all procured electronic information resources (products, platforms, and services) must meet the DFPS uniform accessibility requirementsPDF Document.

Cybersecurity for DFPS Contractors and Partners

Working with DFPS means your technology practices need to meet DFPS cybersecurity requirements in order to protect the confidentiality and integrity of our client information. Visit the Cybersecurity for DFPS Contractors and Partners page to learn about required training, data and system requirements, secure email and file sharing, and how to report a security incident.