Each organization’s plan and timeline for transitioning to the T3C System will be unique.  Based on communication with stakeholders, DFPS has identified the following suggestions as some of the ways providers are approaching the transition:

  • Visit T3C Ready at www.T3CReady.orgExternal Link an initiative of the SSCCs and the Texas Alliance of Child & Family Services.  T3C Ready contains valuable information to help providers actively prepare for the transition, including a T3C Readiness Assessment tool, training opportunities, and other resources.
  • Ask questions if something is unclear or if more information is needed – reach out to the Department via the agency’s dedicated email address: DFPS Texas Child-Centered Care.
  • For IT related questions, please review the PowerPoint presentationPDF Document that was provided to the SSCCs.  If you have additional questions related to the content, please email DFPSTexasChildCenteredCare@dfps.texas.gov.
  • Along with reviewing the T3C System Blueprint and the frequently asked questions, you may find it helpful to reference the T3C Staffing Positions MatrixPDF Document, which illustrates common inquiries regarding the differences between the positions identified in the Staffing Requirements of each Service Package. Be sure to review all of the footnotes to help guide you in understanding how to interpret and apply the chart.

Transition of Children and Youth From Current to T3C System After A Provider Becomes Credentialed

Once a provider is awarded their initial Active Interim Credential or their initial Active Full Credential, and the DFPS or SSCC Residential Contract(s) has been updated accordingly, the organization can begin delivering T3C services.  DFPS has worked with stakeholders to develop a centralized process to support the transition of children, youth, and young adults already in the the provider’s care to the T3C System.  A high-level overview of the process includes the following:

  • DFPS will provide a template to the Credentialed provider to complete.
  • The Credentialed provider’s Program Director, as well as Treatment Director and other clinical staff as applicable to the Services Packages Credentialed, who are responsible for certifying a child’s Continued Stay, as required in the T3C System Blueprint, will assess the provider’s current child census.
  • Using the Service Package Description section for each Credentialed Service Package as the guide to determine need, the provider’s team will propose a Recommended Service Package for each child.
  • The provider will return the completed template to the Department and will document in the child’s record justification for the Recommended Service Package, as well as the provider staff that participated in the the process for making the recommendation.
  • DFPS Staff will work with the provider and the SSCC, as applicable, to review and approve for a child’s Selected Service Packages.  DFPS and/or the SSCC reserve the right to override the Recommended Service Package, and will provide documentation to support the override reason.
  • Upon approval, each child will be manually moved within the DFPS IMPACT database, and a Service Package start date will be established on the 1st of the month. 

This process will only be applied to Foster Family Home and GRO Tier I Service Packages.  Children, youth, and young adults that require GRO Tier II Service Packages will receive a CANS 3.0 Assessment to determine transition. The only exception is for children, youth, and young adults transitioning from the QRTP Pilot program.

If there are children currently placed with the provider that have needs that the programmatic/clinical staff cannot comfortably certify are aligned with any of the Service Packages for which the organization is Credentialed, the child must be identified on the report as requiring a CANS 3.0 Assessment.  Once the child’s needs have been assessed using the CANS 3.0 to determine the appropriate Recommended Service Package, next steps will be determined by the child’s Service Planning team. 

The transition of children, youth, and young adults to the T3C System is not intended to extend the time needed to successfully complete the program as defined in Minimum Standards or by the DFPS or SSCC Residential Contract.