On This Page

These resources are available on the DFPS website year-round to help children, families, vulnerable adults, and all Texans prepare for and respond to disasters such as hurricanes, tropical storms, tornadoes, floods, and wildfires.

Disaster Assistance Organizations

Disaster Preparedness Information

General Information

How Can I Help?

How can I help affected Foster Youth and Foster Kinship Families?

  • If you want to donate items, please contact your local Rainbow Room. They need new, unopened supplies such as diapers, baby formula, blankets, school supplies, and toiletries.
  • If your church or organization wants to help with recovery efforts, please contact DFPS Faith Partners.

How can I help affected elderly and disabled individuals?

  • If you want to donate items, contact your local Silver Star Room. These emergency resource rooms need new, unopened supplies such as adult diapers, blankets, and toiletries.
  • If your church or organization wants to help, please contact Adult Protective Services.

What resources are available for those suffering from catastrophic property damage?

  • If you need emergency assistance, please call 9-1-1.
  • If you are a foster youth, foster family, or an elderly or disabled person, and you lack basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter, contact your caseworker for help.
  • Contact the Red CrossExternal Link or Salvation ArmyExternal Link for assistance, including shelter, and to let family members know you are safe.