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Texas Families: Together and Safe (TFTS)

TFTS funds community-based parent education programs in many areas of the state that have been shown to relieve stress and promote better parenting skills and behaviors to help families become self-sufficient and successfully nurture their children. The goals are to:

  • Make family support services more available.
  • Make community-based family support services more efficient and effective.
  • Help children stay in their own homes.
  • Help local programs, government agencies, and families work together.

This program served 2,592 families in FY 2016.

Texas Home Visiting

The primary goals of Texas Home Visiting, including the Texas Nurse-Family Partnership program, are to support community-driven approaches to enhancing maternal child health, parent child attachment, child development, child safety, family stability, and school readiness in eligible communities. Texas Home Visiting uses a multi-layer approach that supports direct services as well as early childhood systems.

Texas Home Visiting funds evidence-based home visiting services to at-risk pregnant women and the parents (or caregivers) of children up to age 5. It also funds early childhood coalitions that work to coordinate services and address broad community issues that affect young children and families. In FY 2016, Texas Home Visiting supported these programs in 40 counties and reached a total of 7,766 families.