April 5, 2007
1:00 p.m.
John H. Winters Building
Public Hearing Room, 125-E
701 W. 51st Street
Austin, Texas
- Call to Order
- Reading, Correction, and Approval of Minutes of January 5, 2007*
- Public Testimony
Agency Briefings
- Sunset Review and Readiness Project…….. Stephen Este
- Why Not Me? Campaign Debut……………….. Joyce James
- Commissioner’s Report ……………………Carey D. Cockerell
- Chair’s Report ………………………………….…… Ommy Strauch
New Business
- Recommendation to propose rule changes in 40 TAC, Chapter 700, Subchapter H, Adoption Assistance Program * .………………..………………………………………….Joyce James
- Recommendation to propose rule changes in 40 TAC §700.1615; regarding broadening the ETV Program for youth who are exempt from compulsory school attendance *….Joyce James
- Recommendation to propose rule changes in 40 TAC, Chapter 700, Subchapter C, Eligibility for Child Protective Services; regarding children returning to foster care to complete their educational goals * ………….Joyce James
Old Business
- Recommendation to adopt rule changes in 40 TAC §§ 700.104 - 700.114, 700.413; regarding deletion of rules duplicated in the DFPS records retention schedule * ………Joyce James
- b. Recommendation to propose rule changes in 40 TAC §700.505, Priorities for Reports of Abuse and Neglect * ……………………...………………..…………………..…………Joyce James
- Adjourn*
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