Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
Council Meeting
June 10, 2011
The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) Council meeting was held in the John H. Winters Building Public Hearing Room, 125-E, 701 West 51st Street, Austin, Texas. The meeting was convened at 10:00 a.m. A quorum was present. Members present were: Chair Gigi Edwards Bryant, Vice Chair Imogen Papadopoulos, Debbie Epperson, Tina Martin, Linda Bell Robinson, and Scott Rosenbach. Also present were APS Assistant Commissioner Beth Engelking and General Counsel Gerry Williams.
Agenda Item 1 - Call to Order
Chair Bryant called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Agenda Item 2 - Reading, Correction, and Approval of Minutes of January 21, 2011, regular meeting
Chair Bryant called for approval of the minutes. Ms. Papadopoulos moved to accept the minutes as written; Mr. Rosenbach seconded. The minutes needed no corrections and were approved as presented.
Agenda Item 3 - Agency Briefings
3.a. Commissioner's Report Including: Program Updates, Legislative Session and Budget Update, and Notification of Rule Adoption - Beth Engelking
Beth Engelking, Assistant Commissioner for Adult Protective Services, reported to the Council in the absence of Commissioner Heiligenstein. Ms. Engelking stated the Council is meeting in June because there are rule packets resulting from the 82nd Legislative Session that must move forward for implementation by September. The regular legislative session adjourned May 30, and the special session began May 31. Staff has been preparing implementation plans, focusing on legislation and budget issues. DFPS was fortunate in that some of the cuts proposed at the beginning of the legislative session did not materialize.
Cindy Brown, Chief Financial Officer, presented the budget update. Total funding for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011, the current biennium, is $2 billion, 740.3 million. Total funding for Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 is $2 billion, 741 million, so there is little total change. However, the agency received an increase of $210.6 million in general revenue, a 19.5 percent increase because of a method-of-financing swap in baseline funding. The legislature removed federal TANF funds and added general revenue.
The agency sustained a cut of 309.3 full time equivalents (FTEs), a 2.7 percent reduction. Ms. Brown then presented individual funding items. Foster care and adoption subsidies were fully funded at projected caseload growth levels, and the proposed rate cut for foster care providers was not implemented. Reduction to the reimbursement funds for non-recurring adoption expenses associated with adopting foster children was partially restored. The Legislature restored 513.3 FTEs of the proposed 749.5 FTE cuts to Child Protective Services (CPS). Only 1 Adult Protective Services (APS) FTE was restored of the proposed 22 FTE cuts. The other 52.1 FTEs proposed for reduction were not restored, which affects staffing for Statewide Intake, Prevention and Early Intervention, Child Care Licensing, and indirect administration.
The 10 percent reduction to APS emergency client services was restored. Reductions were also fully restored to the relative caregiver program and CPS protective day care. Funds were added for contracted legal staff to reduce backlog of due process appeals hearings concerning employees in child care settings.
The request for 63 additional daycare licensing staff to strengthen regulation of day care operations did not pass and was not funded. There was a reduction in upkeep funding for the department's casework management systems. The reduction in state-matching funds for purchased adoption services, post-adoption services, and Preparation for Adult Living services was not restored; the legislature's intent is for providers to put up local match instead of state match. The elimination of the $150 monthly health care stipend for non-special needs adoptions was not restored. Prevention programs were reduced overall by 30 percent. Reductions by base funding by program with 11 percent to the Services To At-Risk Youth (STAR) program, 32 percent to Community Youth Development (CYD), 31 percent for Texas Families: Together and Safe (TFTS), and 74 percent for other at-risk programs.
Also, two provisions in Article IX of House Bill 1 impact state agency budgets. First, is a 1 percent payroll contribution to employees retirement system (ERS), our contribution is an estimated $4.1 million a year. The second is a reduction to state appropriations of $250 million in FY 2013 from each agency's GR appropriations, an amount estimated to be 8.2 million for DFPS.
Ms. Papadopoulos asked about the 236.2 FTE reductions for CPS; how many of these are social workers and how many are support staff? Ms. Brown stated the allocation was proportional to staff in all categories, 117.3 casework positions and 32.9 FTEs for support staff are to be reduced. Other staff is reduced as well. However, workload needs are being analyzed to determine where staff is most needed. Ms. Papadopoulos then commented on federal funds for purchased adoption and post-adoption services and the PAL program being matched locally rather than by the state. Ms. Papadopoulos asked if the department has plans to help local communities implement this. Ms. Brown stated that CPS is looking at various options, and if the outreach is possible, the commissioner would determine whether such funds could be matched.
Ms. Engelking called on Ann Strauser, Director of the Center for Consumer and External Affairs, to provide an update on key bills passed during the regular legislative session. The regular legislative session has ended and the legislature is well into its first special session. A special session may only be called by the governor and can last up to 30 days, with this special session expected to end June 29. The call for this special session includes school finance, Medicaid, managed care, health care cost containment, congressional redistricting, wind insurance and sanctuary cities. DFPS is tracking 18 of 88 bills in this special session, but in the regular session DFPS tracked 541 of 5,800 bills filed. 125 of those bills reached enrollment and will be implemented through rules, policy changes, and training. The budget for the agency passed during the regular session, and DFPS faired well considering the economy. Senator Jane Nelson filed three omnibus bills for each program, and they passed. The Sunset Review date for the agency has been rescheduled from 2013 to 2015. Ms. Strauser acknowledged the Government Relations Team and thanked them for their hard work during the legislative session.
Ms. Engelking provided a program update on APS. Senate Bill 221, an initiatives bill sponsored by Senator Jane Nelson, clarified that APS staff has the ability and authority to access financial records from financial institutions during exploitation investigations and that APS is exempt from fees to obtain such records. The bill also allows the agency to purchase protective services for individuals who are victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Additionally, the bill extends the Emergency Order for Protective Services from 7 days to 10 days and allows for two 30-day extensions. Finally, SB 221 expands the APS statutory definition of exploitation to include identity theft and attempted exploitation.
Ms. Engelking updated the Council on strategic initiatives in APS. The In-Home Casework Practice Workgroup is reviewing policies resulting from reform to determine if they remain of value and to determine whether any of these policies are duplicative or overlap. The goal is to increase efficiency in light of the increasing workload on caseworkers and supervisors. Focus groups have been held in every region to allow staff input on changes to the program. The Organizational Effectiveness Group is an initiative to analyze the workload of supervisors and balance policy requirements with the need to mentor and train staff. Recommendations are expected from the workgroup this summer. A third workgroup has been evaluating the current APS training model, beginning with the In-Home program. Recommendations will be made at the end of this fiscal year, and changes to the in-home program are expected to begin in the fall. Evaluation of training for the APS Facilities program will also begin in the fall.
Ms. Engelking spoke again about Senate Bill 221, reiterating the statutory authority it grants to DFPS to define abuse, neglect and exploitation in rule. Currently, there are approved definitions in rule for abuse, neglect and exploitation for the APS Facilities program. For the In-Home program; however, all definitions are in statute. Therefore, APS plans to craft rules for the In-Home program as well. Issues have arisen with implementation because statutory language is too open and vague. The department must remain mindful of its resources going forward and focus on clients in most need of services. Ms. Engelking aims to ready a rule packet for the Council's consideration by the April 2012 meeting for the In-Home program.
APS has also conducted two regional reviews this year in Regions 3 and 10. The reviews allow the regions to assess strengths and weaknesses; suggestions for improvement are included. Two more regional reviews will be conducted next fiscal year.
Webinars have been developed to improve communication between state office and regional staff. The webinars have received positive feedback and will continue on a quarterly basis.
Chair Bryant called on Audrey Deckinga, Assistant Commissioner for Child Protective Services, to give updates of bills that passed affecting CPS and updates on initiatives. The omnibus bill for CPS is Senate Bill 218 by Senator Nelson. This legislation mandated moving forward with foster case redesign. It requires data collection and reporting for the National Youth in Transition database, a system that will help the agency understand more about current outcomes and how to improve outcomes for youth aging out of care. SB 218 also exempts driver's license fees for youth in DFPS conservatorship, extended care or the return-to-care program. Additionally, the bill authorizes HHSC to develop a separate payment rate for use in the redesign of the foster care system.
Senate Bill 219, also sponsored by Senator Nelson, deals with training the child welfare system to provide trauma-informed care following a child's removal.
House Bill 452, by Representative Lucio, applies to assistance to youth who are aging out of DFPS care and going on to higher education. The bill requires institutions of higher education to assist enrolled students in finding housing between academic terms, and it allows schools to assist with financing temporary housing for the students.
House Bill 3531, by Representative Strama, relates to the provision of psychotropic medication for children in foster care and requires medical review of prescriptions. STAR Health has a review process in place, Psychotropic Medication Utilization Reviews (PMUR), for children in foster care who are prescribed psychotropic medication and meet certain guidelines.
House Bill 943, by Representative Dukes, codifies the current DFPS practice of reporting of child runaways or absences from DFPS care and mandates that the agency continue efforts to locate the missing child.
House Bill 2170, by Representative Pena, mandates advising foster children of specific rights and requires that DFPS obtain annual credit reports for children in foster care who are 16 or older until they exit foster care.
House Bill 2488, by Representative Scott, allows attorney ad litem direct access to a child's medical and mental health treatment records without violation of HIPAA.
House Bill 3311, by Representative Carter, states that an attorney ad litem must meet with the foster child he represents (or individual with whom the child normally resides, if the child is under 4) before each court hearing. The meeting must take place within sufficient time before the hearing and in a private setting. HB 3314, also by Representative Carter, requires that if the child or individual is not present at the court hearing, then the attorney ad litem for the child must file a statement indicating compliance with the duty to meet with the child or individual.
Senate Bill 993, by Senator Uresti, codifies parental child safety placements, formerly called voluntary placements, and establishes guidelines to ensure the legal status and safety of a child once a case is closed.
Ms. Deckinga provided an update on Foster Care Redesign. In December, the Public/Private Partnership (PPP) submitted a high-level overview of the redesign to Commissioner Heiligenstein. A draft Request for Proposal (RFP) was posted thereafter and 51 external comments were received. The PPP agreed to the following quality indicators: safety for children in their placements, placement within home communities, the least restrictive environment with minimal moves, family and other connections maintained, placement with siblings, services that respect the child's culture, children experience activities similar to those experienced by non-foster care peers, children provided opportunity to participate in decisions. Senate Bill 218 passed, mandating this redesign. The comment period for the draft RFP has been extended to June 15. The final RFP will be posted in August and the agency plans to award contracts to one of two catchment providers in January. A three-month start-up period is anticipated with initial referrals gong to the single source continuum contractor next April.
The Permanency Care Assistance (PCA) program, authorized by federal Fostering Connections legislation, provides financial support to relative or kinship caregivers taking permanent legal responsibility for a child who cannot be reunited with biological parents or for whom adoption has been ruled out. 111 children have exited DFPS foster care to the custody of kinship families with PCA financial support. Hundreds more children are currently in the process of leaving conservatorship through the PCA program.
Chair Bryant asked about the definition of "adoption has been ruled out." Ms. Deckinga explained that a child is not eligible for adoption when DFPS has permanent managing conservatorship and parental right have not been terminated. If the parent's rights have been terminated and the child is legally free for adoption, then the best of interest of the child is considered. Mr. Williams added that many of these cases result from an inability to terminate parental rights for various reasons.
Ms. Papadopoulos asked if the court's jurisdiction continues once a relative is named permanent managing conservator of the child and if anyone would be able to challenge the placement in the future. Mr. Williams stated the court's jurisdiction does in fact continue, so a person may file a motion to change conservatorship.
Mr. Rosenbach asked if caregivers receive any type of financial support during their initial six-month period as a foster home. Ms. Deckinga stated there is limited support for the relative caregiver at the front end of the program. Training and inspections are needed to verify the foster home. During the verification process, the caregiver will not receive foster care payments. Once they are verified and the child has been placed with them, the caregiver will get monthly payments as a foster home for the six-month period. Mr. Rosenbach then asked about the average length of time to be verified as a foster home. Ms. Deckinga called on Debra Emerson, who answered that the amount of time needed for verification is on average 90 days.
Ms. Papadopoulos asked about the possibility of TANF funds being available while a family is waiting to be verified. Ms. Deckinga stated that if the child is already placed with a relative and they qualified for the Relative and Other Designated Caregiver funding, they may use the integration payment or the yearly payment to meet some of PCA verification criteria. Also, Casey Family Programs has targeted funds to assist families with getting into the program.
Ms. Deckinga provided information on Supervised Independent Living, a subset of extended foster care for children ages 18 to 21. A draft RFP is in the works and will be posted for provider input.
She also updated the Council on Children's Rights, which filed a federal lawsuit against Texas officials on March 29 that alleges foster care in Texas fails to keep children safe. The suit is filed on behalf of approximately 12,000 foster children in the permanent managing conservatorship of DFPS. Children's Rights is located in New York City, and the group is generally involved in national litigation campaigns designed to bring state and local child welfare systems under federal court-ordered mandates and supervision. This New York group has brought lawsuits against 18 other states and local child protective services systems. States that agreed to consent decrees have remained under the decrees for years, some for as long as 20 years or more. They typically partner with prominent local law firms to pursue class action lawsuits on behalf of children in the CPS system. Children's Rights usually certifies a class and then obtains agreed consent decrees that often involve the appointment of very expensive court monitors and typically enforces compliance with the consent decrees by bringing contempt motions against the relevant state. Ms. Papadopoulos asked if a class action certification by the court has been achieved. Mr. Williams stated the class was certified by the judge and the state is in the process of filing an appeal of the class certification.
Chair Bryant inquired if there were further questions. Ms. Martin asked if the PCA program is another avenue for family members who cannot afford to adopt a child. Audrey Deckinga clarified that families receive the same monthly payment for permanency care assistance as they would for adoption.
Ms. Engelking introduced Char Bateman, Director of Field for Child Care Licensing, who gave the legislative updates on licensing. Senate Bill 1178, filed by Senator Nelson, changes regulations for licensed care. Currently, when an adverse action is taken against a residential operation, such as license revocation or denial, the designated controlling person is banned from working in childcare for 5 years; SB 1178 expands this concept to include daycare centers and registered homes. SB 1178 also gives CCL the authority to investigate a listed family home when a complaint is made alleging immediate risk of harm to a child. The bill streamlines the process for closing operations when the only reason they are being closed is failure to submit the annual licensing fee or the required 2-year background checks. SB 1178 clarifies that school age and before- and after-school programs must also perform fingerprint background checks on all employees. For a denial of a license this legislation also disallows the applicant from continuing to provide care during the due process period. SB 1178 streamlines the licensing process for domestic violence shelters and homeless shelters with childcare on the premises. Additionally, the bill provides efficiencies with fingerprinting in that a person no longer must resubmit fingerprint background checks when they work in one operation and move to another as long as their fingerprints remain on file and acceptable to the FBI. Finally, SB 1178 deletes regulation of maternity homes, because the homes provide care only to pregnant women. This has been a class of operations CCL has licensed for years, and there are only 9 of these homes in Texas. There are a couple of homes that also provide care to minor mothers. These homes are already licensed as general residential operations, and they will need to continue to be licensed as such.
Two bills were filed related to training of day care staff. Senate Bill 260, by Senator West, increases training requirements from 15 hours to 24 hours for staff and from 20 hours to 30 hours for directors. Also, staff with less than two years of experience must have 8 hours of training before caring for a child and an additional 24 hours of training within 90 days of employment. SB 260 also contains a provision prohibiting DFPS from drafting rules regarding training requirements. Senate Bill 265, by Senator Zaffirini, details qualifications for trainers and requires that training be relevant to the age of the children the employee will supervise.
Representative Alvarado filed a bill regarding fire inspections in daycare homes. It provides authority to local municipalities to conduct fire inspections in daycare homes and requires the fire inspector to report violations to DFPS for further handling.
Senator Nelson filed two other bills related to childcare. Senate Bill 76 requires child care providers receiving a subsidy from the Texas Workforce Commission and providing care in their own home to be listed family homes. Senate Bill 78 facilitates information sharing between Health and Human Services agencies when one agency takes adverse action against an operation.
Ms. Bateman reminded the Council that CCL was allotted $4 million last session to improve infant and toddler care. The agency partnered with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension program to develop online, instructor-led, and video training for parents, childcare providers, and licensing staff. A three-day intensive training was held for all licensing staff that featured experts in infant and toddler care. The Technical Assistance (TA) Library was also created to house information on a variety of topics pertaining to infant and toddler care. Public awareness campaigns were developed to focus on safe sleep practices, the benefits of choosing regulated care, and the parents' role in ensuring quality of care in their child's daycare. Additionally, the agency was able to purchase training material for providers on infant and toddler care. Chair Bryant asked if members had questions. Ms. Martin asked, for clarification, if changes to training requirements are now limited to the bill. Ms. Bateman confirmed that the agency shall not change training hours; the training requirements specified in the bill apply to daycare centers, group homes, and registered homes.
Ms. Engelking announced that the governor has appointed three new council members: attorneys Patricia Cole of Fort Worth and Anna Marie Jiminez of Corpus Christi, and Benny Morris from Cleburne, a vice principal of an elementary school. They will participate in the October Council Meeting after their orientation in August.
There were no comments on the January rule adoptions regarding targeted case management services. DFPS forwarded the rules to Executive Commissioner Suehs for adoption.
3.b. Chair's Report - Gigi Bryant
Chair Bryant announced that Intensive Training Forums for staff have been scheduled throughout the state. The Center for Learning and Organizational Excellence (CLOE) developed the department-sponsored intensive training forums to enhance the skill sets of DFPS supervisors and program specialists focusing on communication and decision-making competencies. Additionally, Commissioner Heiligenstein will be visiting each region to meet with and answer questions from staff.
Ms. Bryant recognized Dr. Linda Robinson for receiving the Savvy Sister Award given by Houston Women's Magazine, an annual award recognizing a woman improving the quality of life in Houston. Chair Bryant also extended a special thanks to Council member and Pastor Scott Rosenbach from CPS Regional Director Camille Gilliam for his support in the agency's time of need. In the words of Ms. Gilliam, "Scott immediately arranged for the head of the counseling services at the church to come this afternoon to work with the staff. I know that Scott will be coming as well. Scott is an incredibly kind man and I told him I really owed him for coming to our rescue."
Chair Bryant then called for reports from council members. She further stated she serves Austin, as well as Region 8. She has been speaking throughout the state on the importance of education and attending agency-sponsored events.
Tina Martin represents Region 11 consisting of the Rio Grande Valley and Corpus Christi. Ms. Martin is a member of the advisory board for the Children's Advocacy Center, and she chaired their recent fundraiser which raised $35,000 with their one-night event. Ms. Martin has supported Children's Advocacy through involvement with the Hidalgo County courthouse and commissioners and the mayors of McAllen, Mission, and Edinburg. Additionally, she has assisted with the growth of the Rainbow Rooms in the McAllen area.
Scott Rosenbach of Amarillo represents Region 1. He continues his work to establish an Amarillo Silver Star Room for Adult Protective Services; the room is now fully stocked and staff is being trained. His goal is to expand the rooms throughout Region 1. Mr. Rosenbach also was honored to respond with grief counseling for CPS when there was the death of a staff member.
Chair Bryant spoke on behalf of council member, Debbie Epperson of Dallas. Ms. Epperson, who represents Region 3, participated in Intensive Training Forums and helped obtain refreshments for the forums.
Imogen Papadopoulos of Houston stated she was part of the original group to begin Rainbow Rooms, at the time called BEAR, Be a Resource for CPS Kids. BEAR began in Houston with a $25,000 grant and now has a budget of over $1 million with three centers. Ms. Papadopoulos continues to work with law schools to obtain pro bono attorneys to represent grandparents raising grandchildren and is collaborating with a private foundation to raise funds for a continuing education course to educate more lawyers to represent these grandparents. She has been awarded the Dave Gibson Award as a family law attorney.
Dr. Linda Robinson represents the Houston area and plans to spend more time in Austin to learn more about DFPS programs and provide assistance where needed. She is assisting the intensive training forums coming to the Houston area in August and will attend the regional staff meeting with the Commissioner.
Mr. Williams thanked his staff for their work during the legislative session.
Chair Bryant thanked the council members for their efforts.
Agenda Item 4 – Public Testimony
No one appeared for public testimony.
Agenda Item 5 - New Business
5.a. Recommendation to propose HHSC Rule Changes in 1 TAC, Section 355.7103, Rate-Setting Methodology for 24-Hour Residential Child-Care Reimbursements - Pam McDonald, HHSC
Pam McDonald with HHSC presented the proposed rule changes regarding rate setting for 24-hour residential child care. Two changes were presented, one to delete the ending date for current rates for residential child-care providers to allow them to remain in effect through the next biennium. The other rule change adds language that will allow HHSC to set different rates for contractors under Foster Care Redesign, which will create a new class of providers. Rates are usually based on historical costs to providers, so this rule change will allow HHSC to model rates for the providers that will be included in the RFPs. There is no fiscal impact from either of these changes. Ms. McDonald asked that rules be published to the Texas Register and comments received.
Chair Bryant called for a motion. Mr. Rosenbach moved that the Council recommend for proposal by the Health and Human Services Commission the amendment of 1 TAC, Section 355.7103, concerning rate-setting methodology for 24-hour residential child care reimbursement, as reflected in the Council's June 10, 2011, Agenda Item 5.a. Dr. Robinson seconded. Chair Bryant called for discussion. Mr. Williams asked Ms. McDonald if HHSC plans to have a hearing on the rule changes. There will be no need for public hearings on rates for regular providers because they are unchanged. The proposed rates for the Foster Care Redesign providers will not require a hearing because they will be subject to the RFP process. Chair Bryant called for the vote, and the motion passed.
5.b. Recommendation to Propose New HHSC Rule at 1 TAC, Section 355.7104, Reimbursement Methodology for Supervised Independent Living - Sarah Hambrick, HHSC
Sarah Hambrick, Senior Rate Analyst, presented the rates to be set for the Supervised Independent Living (SIL) Program, which will allow young adults to practice independent living skills before exiting foster care. There are four general housing environments on which HHSC will set rates: host homes, dorm settings, apartments, and shared housing. The rates will be modeled based on similar costs for similar services; there is no cost report, as SIL is a new program. The rules have no fiscal impact. Ms. Hambrick asked that the rules be published in the Texas Register for public comment.
Chair Bryant called for a motion. Ms. Martin moved that the Council recommend for proposal by the Health and Human Services Commission the new HHSC Rule at 1 TAC, Section 355.7104, concerning rate-setting methodology for supervised independent living reimbursements, as reflected in the Council's June 10, 2011, Agenda Item 5.b. Ms. Papadopoulos seconded. Chair Bryant called for questions, and Dr. Robinson asked if providers of housing supervision will be state employees or contracted staff. Ms. Hambrick replied that providers will be private case managers employed by the SIL contractor. Mr. Williams added that Child Care Licensing will not apply since this program is specifically for young adults over 18 years of age, and supervision will be the contractor's responsibility. Chair Bryant asked if the preparation for adult living (PAL) program will be a component of SIL and if PAL staff will provide guidance, such as connection to college benefits. Ms. Deckinga answered that young adults will be able to take advantage of PAL benefits while also under the SIL program through PAL contractors. Chair Bryant called for the vote, and the motion passed.
5.c. Recommendation to propose rule changes in 40 TAC, Chapter 705, Adult Protective Services; and Chapter 711, Investigations in DADS Mental Retardation and DSHS Mental Health Facilities and Related Programs - Beth Engelking, APS
Ms. Engelking presented rule amendments to Chapter 705, relating to APS investigations in Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) facilities for people with intellectual disabilities and in Department of State Health Services (DSHS) facilities that serve people with mental health issues. The changes are non-substantive corrections and clarify that records of investigation should be made available to state, local, and federal law enforcement offices. The changes to Chapter 711 include improving the categorization of perpetrators in facilities investigations to change terminology to distinguish between a systems issue and when the perpetrator is unknown. Also, allegations in state-supported living centers must be completed within ten days, so Priority III investigations are being repealed from this category of investigations. House Bill 806, passed by the 81st Legislature, expanded who can be placed on the Employee Misconduct Registry (EMR) to state employees of state supported living centers and state hospitals. The amendments conform the process by which the review and appeal must happen prior to the EMR hearing occurring. Additionally, the amendment removes a duplicative requirement that APS report licensed professionals to licensure boards for state-operated facilities. Ms. Engelking asked that the rule amendments be proposed and published in the Texas Register for public comment.
Chair Bryant called for the motion. Ms. Papadopoulos moved that the Council recommend for proposal by the Health and Human Services Commission amendments to 40 TAC, Chapter 705, Adult Protective Services; and Chapter 711, Investigations in DADS Mental Retardation and DSHS Mental Health Facilities and Related Programs, as reflected in the Council's June 10, 2011, Agenda Item 5.c. Dr. Robinson seconded. Chair Bryant called for questions. Ms. Papadopoulos queried who would receive the reports if the administrator is named the alleged perpetrator. Ms. Engelking answered that policy clarifies the reports will go directly to DADS in these cases. Ms. Bryant called for the vote, and the motion passed.
Agenda Item 6 - Adjourn
Chair Bryant thanked the members for their participation and service and the meeting was adjourned at 11:38 a.m.