DFPS has many exciting jobs where you can make a difference in the lives of children and adults.
The mission of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is to build on strengths of families and communities to keep children and vulnerable adults safe, so they thrive.
DFPS is committed to hiring a workforce to work with clients from all walks of life. Bilingual (Spanish/English or Vietnamese/English) applicants are needed in most parts of the state.
DFPS jobs fall into five main program areas:
- Child Protective Investigations (CPI)
- Child Protective Services (CPS)
- Adult Protective Services (APS)
- Child Care Investigations (CCI)
- Statewide Intake (SWI)
Together, these programs:
- Protect children.
- Protect adults who are elderly or have disabilities.
- Manage community-based programs that prevent delinquency, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of children and youth.
Every day in communities across Texas, thousands of DFPS employees protect the safety and well-being of our state's most vulnerable people.
- Child Protective Investigations (CPI) responds to claims of child abuse and neglect. CPI has the difficult task of figuring out what happened and predicting what will happen in the future.
- Child Protective Services (CPS) works with children and their families to help make their homes a safe place where children can thrive. When children can't live safely at home, CPS finds other safe places for children to live. Child abuse and neglect affect tens of thousands of children each year in Texas.
- Adult Protective Services (APS) works with communities and families to protect the elderly or adults who have disabilities from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. These Texans make up about a quarter of our state's population.
- Child Care Investigations (CCI) responds to reports of child abuse, neglect, or exploitation in day care and 24-hour residential child care facilities all across Texas. CCI works with child care providers and other state agencies to support safer environments for children that receive care outside of their own homes.
- The Statewide Intake (SWI) program operates the Texas Abuse Hotline to take reports of abuse and neglect, gather critical information, and get it to the right program for investigation.