The Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) recognizes the long-term effects of adverse childhood experiences such as child abuse and neglect. The need to address trauma is an important component of effective service delivery. The impact of trauma is experienced by children, families, caregivers, and the social service providers who serve them.

This training is a free resource for child welfare system caregivers, professionals, advocates, stakeholders and members of the public who are interested in learning about the impact of trauma.

Training objectives:

  1. Learn about trauma, secondary trauma, and healing from trauma
  2. Understand how trauma impacts the brain, child development, and life functioning.
  3. Learn how toxic stress and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) impact health and outcomes.
  4. Understand how trauma affects children, adults, caregivers, and child welfare professionals.
  5. Learn ways to prevent and address secondary traumatic stress.
  6. Discuss practical strategies for applying trauma-informed knowledge and care.
  7. Understand the importance of relationships.

Please note this curriculum is a basic introduction to the topics presented. Continuing education is highly encouraged.

In order to receive credit for the training, you must:

  • Complete the whole training.
  • Make at least a 70% on the post-test.
  • Print the Certificate of Completion of Trauma Informed Care Training at the end of the training.
  • Provide a copy of the Certificate of Completion of Trauma Informed Care Training to your child-placing agency or residential operation.

To Earn Credit, Everyone Must Take the Training

To meet residential child care training requirements (below), each user must obtain an individual training certificate of completion. Certificates displaying names of multiple individuals, families, or groups will not be accepted.

Additional Information for Child-Placing Agencies and Residential Operations

This online training is one of the DFPS approved Trauma Informed Care Trainings required under Section 13. D) Trauma Informed Care of the Residential Child Care Contract.

You may also download a copy of the training EnglishPDF Document | Spanish PDF Document to use as a guide. 

Additional Information for DFPS Foster Adopt Homes

Each foster and adoptive parent must receive trauma informed care training annually. Each prospective foster parent or adoptive parent must receive trauma informed care training prior to foster home verification or adoptive home approval.