The DFPS technology infrastructure is crucial to the business operations and therefore the service delivery provided by the agency. The agency is requesting the following upgrades and improvements:

  • Security Assurances - DFPS is requesting $1.5 million for the biennium to purchase upgraded router equipment and software to address a State Auditor requirement for firewalls at the router level.
  • Server Upgrade/Replacement - $2.7 million is requested for the biennium for upgrades and replacements for the operating system network servers and the servers hosting the automated CPS and APS casework application and the Child Care Licensing application, which will ensure adequate support is provided to program applications. In addition, an increase in web servers is needed to meet anticipated increased applications and usage on the Internet.
  • Microsoft Exchange Server Replacement and License Upgrade - $0.5 million for the biennium is needed for replacements and upgrades to hardware and software related to the support of the e-mail system. DFPS has 27 exchange servers supporting the e-mail system that are all five years old. The agency is currently using Exchange version 5.5, which is no longer supported by Microsoft.

Funding Request

FY 2006
FY 2007
Total $3,939,424 $788,430 $4,727,854
Number of FTEs 0.0 0.0  
Method of Financing:      
General Revenue $3,485,644 $788,430 $4,274,074
Federal Funds $453,780 $0 $453,780

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