July 19, 2007
2:00 p.m.
John H. Winters Building Public Hearing Room, 125-E
701 West 51st Street
Austin, Texas

    1. Call to Order
    2. Staff Briefings

      1. Update: Child Care and the American Disabilities Act …..….. Sasha Rasco, CCL
      2. Health Care Services Delivery Model: Communication Phase….. Ivy Bela, HHSC
      3. Rate Increase Follow-Up:
        1. Public Hearing Briefing……………………………..….…Carolyn Pratt, HHSC
        2. Psychiatric Step-Down Length of Eligibility ……….……. Joyce James, CPS
      4. Legislative Briefing…………………………………………………Carey D. Cockerell
    3. New Business

      1. Recommendation to propose changes in Cost Reporting Requirements in the Reimbursement Methodology for 24-Hour Child Care Facilities (1 TAC §355.7101) and repeal of 1 TAC §§355.7105, 7107, 7109, and 7111 (relating to Definition of Allowable and Unallowable Costs, Allowable Costs, Unallowable Costs, and Costs Not Included in Recommended Payment Rates) ……….… Pam McDonald, HHSC
      2. Recommendation to propose rule changes in: 40 TAC, Chapter 732, Contracted Services ……………………………………….…Terri Ware, Chief Operating Officer
      3. Recommendation to propose rule changes in 40 TAC, Chapter 711, Investigations in TDMHMR Facilities and Related Programs …………………….…Karl Urban, APS
    4. Adjourn*

    *Denotes Action Item

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