To Carry Out your Professional Duties:

State law allows DFPS to release information to specific professional entities, which may or may not require redaction depending upon the purpose of the request. 

DFPS complies with all laws and rules about the entitlement, redaction, and release of the confidential case records it maintains. To learn more about these laws and rules, please see Confidentiality Laws and Rules.

To help you get the information you need as quickly as possible, please choose one of the following:

Related to Criminal Matter

DFPS routinely releases case records which may assist in the resolution of a criminal matter to the below mentioned professional entities. To request a case record, identify the entity you represent from the list below, and follow the instructions.

Local, State, or Federal Law Enforcement including a Criminal County/District Attorney

State law allows DFPS to release confidential records to local, state, or federal law enforcement officials for the purpose of investigating crimes related to:

  • Allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a DFPS client (including APS, CCL, and CPS).
  • Allegations of false or malicious reporting of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a DFPS client.
  • Failure to report alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a DFPS client.
  • [See Texas Administrative Code §§700.203 (a) (3), 705.7109 (1), and 745.8491].

Law Enforcement Officers are defined in the Occupations Code §1701 and the Code of Criminal Procedures §2.12

Depending on what case records you need to carry out your duties, you have two options available to choose from:

  •  If you ONLY need a copy of the most recent closed Investigation Report on a specific person, please fill and submit Form 4888 - Request for Case Record Information from Law Enforcement. These requests are usually completed within 14 business days.
  • If you need MORE detailed information, such as copies of entire case files, audio/video recordings, appearance or an affidavit by the Custodian of Records, etc., please attach a subpoena outlining exactly what you need and send via email. These requests usually require at least 20 business days.

Texas Juvenile Justice Department or County Juvenile Probation Department

State law allows DFPS to release confidential records to Juvenile Service Providers (JSPs), including Juvenile Justice Agencies (JJAs) for the purpose of:

  • Sharing confidential information that is necessary to improve and maintain community safety.
  • Assisting the agency in the continuation of services for or providing services to a multi-system youth.
  • [See Texas Family Code §58.0051 and §58.0052]

For information on which entities comprise JSPs and JJAs and what DFPS provides to each group, click here.

To request records, please fill and submit Form 4881 - Request for Case Record Information from Juvenile Service Providers (including Juvenile Justice Agencies).

These requests are usually completed within 14 business days.

Disability Rights of Texas

To request confidential records related to Disability Rights Texas, please refer to the Disability Rights Texas Requests page.

Related to Civil Matter

DFPS routinely releases case records related to a civil matter to the below mentioned professional entities. To request a case record, identify the entity you represent from the list below and follow the instructions.

Private Attorney representing someone personally involved in a case

  • If your client is or was in the foster care system, please fill out and submit electronic Form 4884.
  • If your client has never been in the foster care system, fill and submit Form 4885 (English) or Form 4885s (Spanish).

    These requests can take an extensive amount of time and it may be prudent to subpoena the records if there is an approaching court hearing or some other urgency.

    Note: If your client is in litigation with the Department, records should be requested through the normal discovery process used.

Domestic Relations Office or Court-Appointed Social Study Evaluator

The Texas Administrative Code §745.8491, along with the Texas Family Code §107.05145, authorizes DFPS to release to Domestic Relations Office or a court-ordered social study evaluator confidential investigative records regarding abuse and neglect that relates to any person residing in the residence subject to the social study.

To request a case record, fill and submit Form 4882 - Request from Child Custody or Adoption Evaluators for Case Records. These requests are usually completed within 30 business days after your identity is confirmed.

School Official

At times when the alleged perpetrator is (was) an employee of a public or private school under the jurisdiction of TEA, the Texas Family Code (§261.406) authorizes DFPS to release a copy of the completed investigation report to the following persons or entities on their request:

  • State Board for Educator Certification
  • President of the school board or local governing body for the school
  • School Superintendent
  • School Principal

To request a case record, fill and submit Form 4880 - Request from School Official for Closed School Investigation Report. These requests are usually completed within 30 business days after your identity is confirmed.

Note:  DFPS automatically releases a copy of the completed investigation report to Texas Education Agency (TEA), as required by Texas Family Code §261.406.

Child or Adult Protective Agency from A Different State

If you are an employee of another state agency responsible for the protection of children and or vulnerable adults, you may request our confidential case records if it is relevant to the case you are working on.

To do so, submit a letter on your state agency's letterhead, providing as much identifying information as possible on the people you are investigating, and either mail or email it to the addresses provided below. These requests are usually completed within 30 business days after your identity has been verified.

Disability Rights of Texas

To request confidential records related to Disability Rights Texas, please refer to the Disability Rights Texas Requests page.

Guardianship Abuse, Fraud, and Exploitation Deterrence Program (GAFEDP) Record Request

If you are an employee of Guardianship Abuse, Fraud, and Exploitation Deterrence Program (GAFEDP) providing assistance to the courts relating to guardianship matters, you may request our confidential case records if they are relevant to the case you are working on.

To do so, submit a letter on your state agency's letterhead to the DFPS physical address below or email your request to DFPS Records Management, providing as much identifying information as possible on the people you are investigating. Your request will be completed within 14 business days after your identity has been verified.

Department of Family and Protective Services
Attn: RMG (Y-937)
P.O. Box 149030
Austin, Texas 78714-19030

Have questions?

Email: Send us an email
Phone: During business hours: (512) 929-6764 or toll free at (877) 764‐7230
Mailing Address:
Department of Family and Protective Services
Attn: RMG (Y-937)

P.O. Box 149030
Austin, Texas 78714-19030