Menu DFPS Data Book
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This interactive web page allows you to search and configure data in charts and graphs. You can download complete data sets from the Texas Open Data PortalExternal Link.
[accessible version]
About the Accessible Version
If you would like the data used to build this data visualization in accessible format, or if you experience difficulty accessing the accessible version, contact us by:
- email the Interactive Data Book
- phone toll-free at (877) 926-4881
Since some users will have difficulty accessing the interactive data charts, DFPS provides an accessible version of our statistics hosted on the Texas Open Data PortalExternal Link.
- Go to the list of DFPS data chartsExternal Link.
- These pages are not accessible, but they link to an accessible version using skiplinks.
- Tabbing makes the skiplinks visible.
- First, use skiplinks to "skip to main content."
- Next, tab several more times to "skip to the results."
- Select one of the data charts.
- When your selected page opens, use skiplinks to tab to an accessible version of that page.
- Sorting and filtering options are located below the table on the accessible page.
About Privacy and Data
DFPS protects the privacy of both victims and perpetrators. There is no personal information contained in the statistics we show online, and all data has been summarized to the state, region and county levels. Sometimes, however, the data we publish must be limited to ensure that everyone's privacy is protected - usually in sparsely populated counties where the number of people involved is small.
- Low counts. Data about victims and perpetrators is expressed in a range when the number of people is between one and five. On visual graphs, the values are filtered out and do not appear at all. For textual charts, the specific numbers are replaced by "1-5".
- County level. Practically speaking, this only happens at the county level, where counts of victims or perpetrators in smaller counties can be very low. When this happens, county totals are withheld, as well. This does not happen at the regional and state levels.
- Information about people, not processes. Only victim and perpetrator counts are withheld. Counts of processes such as intakes, investigations, and services are not.
- Only certain charts are affected:
- Topic: Investigations / Subtopic: Victims
- Topic: Investigations / Subtopic: Perpetrators
- Topic: Outcomes / Subtopic: Recidivism
When we withhold data that would jeopardize privacy, a "lock" symbol is shown on the screen.