Who do I contact regarding address changes for adoption assistance?
If you wish to report a change of address for adoption assistance, contact our regional adoption support staff. If you are not sure which DFPS region you live in, consult our list of counties in DFPS regions.
- DFPS Adoption Assistance: DFPS has an adoption assistance program to help defray some of the costs associated with adoption of a child with special needs.
- DFPS Adoption Assistance Brochure
- DFPS Adoption Support Programs
DFPS contracts with private agencies to provide post adoption services to adopted children and their families, including local contact names and numbers. - CPS Handbook - 8262 Adoptive Placement Services
DFPS purchases adoption services from private child-placing agencies that have been licensed to place children for adoption. - Texas Administrative CodeExternal Link
- Adoption Assistance by StateExternal Link Adoption assistance information by State is provided by the Association of Administrators of the Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance and the American Public Human Services Association.
- IRS Pub 968PDF DocumentExternal Link - Tax Benefits for Adoption
Beginning in 2003, the maximum credit increases to $10,160. Also, the exclusion from income of benefits under your employer’s adoption assistance program increases to $10,160. You will be allowed these amounts for the adoption of a child with special needs regardless of whether you have qualifying expenses. - IRS-Topic 607External Link on 'Tax Benefits for Adoption'
- Adoption Taxpayer Identification NumberExternal Link - Questions and Answers. The Q&A provides information to taxpayers who need a taxpayer identification number for a child who has been placed in their home pending final adoption.
- Additional Income Tax InformationExternal Link from the National Foster Parent Association