The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) is a uniform law enacted by all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and the US Virgin Islands.

The purpose of ICPC is to ensure that children placed out of their home state receive the same protections and services that would be provided if they remained in their home state.

The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children applies primarily to two types of placements:

  • Placements of children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse or neglect.
  • Private placements for adoption and specialized residential care.

Texas Law

Texas law requires that adoption petitions and petitions for managing conservatorship filed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) or any non-parent include a verified allegation of compliance with the ICPC or a statement of the reason for noncompliance.

State Office

You may reach the Interstate Compact Placement of Children (ICPC) state office at the following:

Compact Administrator
Ginny Judson
(936) 404-8455

Interstate Compact Placement of Children
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
2027 North Stallings Drive
Nacogdoches, TX 75964

Deputy Compact Administrator
Carolyn “Rene” Blake
(737) 249-8371

Interstate Compact Placement of Children
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
4900 N. Lamar Blvd.
Austin, TX 78751

Who to Contact for Specific Requests

For specific requests, you may reach out to the following contacts:

Type of Request Contact Name/Email Telephone/Fax
All public RTC and expedited HS requests Carolyn "Rene" Blake
Texas ICPC Team Lead
(737) 249-8371
(512) 339-5815 (fax)
All public ICPC requests incoming or outgoing,
A - F
(oldest child's last name)
Roya Carver
Texas ICPC Specialist
(512) 750-5696
(512) 339-5815 (fax)
All public ICPC requests incoming or outgoing,
G - L
(oldest child's last name)
Talisha Griffith
Texas ICPC Specialist
(832) 258-4372
All public ICPC requests incoming or outgoing,
M - Ri (oldest child's last name)
Brandi Chambers
Texas ICPC Specialist
(409) 293-7809
All public ICPC requests incoming or outgoing,
Ro - Z
(oldest child's last name)
Dana Cherry
Texas ICPC specialist
(972) 633-6600
All private adoptions and private RTC (281) 546-0637
(512) 339-5815 (fax)

Note: Requests for ICPC home studies recieved by the Texas Interstate Compact Office (TICO) from another state are reviewed and forwarded to the appropriate DFPS Regional ICPC Coordinator for assignment and completion.