Transitional Living Services (TLS)
Transitional Living Services, programs, and benefits help foster care youth and young adults make the transition to adulthood smoother and help them identify and achieve long-term education, career, and life goals. Transitional Living Services begin at age 14 and may continue until age 23.
Learn more about Transitional Living Services and how it helps with employment, education, and housing.
Transitional Programs for Young Adults over 18:
- Extended Foster Care and Return to Care
- Extended Court Jurisdiction
- Trial Independence Period
- Supervised Independent Living
- Youth Housing Program
Youth Take Flight Instagram
Find current resources, benefits and other information on the Youth Take Flight InstagramExternal Link. It's a great chance to stay connected with DFPS and your friends.
Permanency Planning for Older Youth
The Texas Foster Care HandbookPDF Document helps children and youth in foster care to better understand how the foster care system works and to address many of the questions and concerns they have regarding foster care.
The Almost 18! Let's Talk and Plan ToolPDF Document was created for caseworkers and Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) staff to help guide permanency planning discussions with youth. The goal is for youth to build a foundation of independent living knowledge prior to exiting foster care. The tool can be used with youth as early as 14 years of age.
A youth driven transition planPDF Document is developed with all youth ages 16 and older and identifies services for each youth to accomplish goals and to assist them in transitioning from foster care.
Aging-out seminarsPDF Document allow youth ages 15 ½ to 18 to meet in interactive groups to learn more about DFPS Transitional Living Services, programs, benefits, community resources, and other important life skills topics.
PAL (Preparation for Adult Living) helps older youth in foster care prepare leave DFPS care and support and live as adults. Eligible youth up to age 21 receive services and benefits that help them become self-sufficient and productive adults. PAL services include life skills assessments, life skills trainings, a transitional living allowance, aftercare room and board, and case management services. PAL regional staff can help you with these services.
Youth and young adults in the PAL program are referred by PAL staff, CPS staff, and providers to local Workforce Solutions offices for help with the following:
- Looking for a job
- Getting ready to start a job
- Learning about career workshops
- Setting up a profile and job search on the WorkInTexasExternal Link and Texas Workforce CommissionExternal Link websites
Youth who are turning age 16 or who are transitioning to adulthood at 18 need to have documents to help themPDF Document with daily activities like finding a job, leasing an apartment, opening a bank account, setting up utility services, getting a driver’s license, and accessing other resources.
Information about College Benefits
The Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Program serves eligible youth or young adults, ages 16 up to age 23 and are enrolled in a college, university or a vocational or technical program. Eligible youth may receive up to $5,000 in financial assistance per academic year to help pay for basic living expenses while attending school.
Foster youth, adopted youth, and youth where DFPS permanent managing conservatorship was granted to a non-parent on or after September 1, 2009 are exempt from tuition and fees at state-supported colleges and universities.
Texas’ institutions of higher education must help full-time students who were formerly in DFPS conservatorship or who have been legally emancipated to find temporary housing during breaks between academic terms.
Medical Benefits
Healthcare coverage is available to youth or young adults who are transitioning or age out of Texas foster care.
Other Services
- Youth and young adults who live in a DFPS paid foster care placement are eligible to have driver's license fees waivedPDF Document.
- NYTD (National Youth in Transition Database) is a data collection system created to track independent living services and to learn how successful state are in preparing youth to move from foster care to adulthood.
Other Transitional Resources
- Transition Centers
- Texas Youth Helpline 1-800-989-6884