Amarillo CollegeExternal Link
Amarillo College has a Foster Care Resources webpageExternal Link listed under Student Needs/Resources.
Alamo Colleges DistrictExternal Link
Contact Carmen de Luna-Jones for more information about San Antonio's community colleges.
Austin Community CollegeExternal Link
ACC has a program to make the college experience a positive one.  ACC Campus Champions, who are advisors or counselors at each location, will work with students individually to address needs and assist with creating successful strategies for academic achievement. Additionally, ACC provides a four-day Jump Start orientation for Foster Care Alumni to give them tips for success in financial aid, health, registration and finding and staying in their classes.
Midland CollegeExternal Link
Contact Laurel Clement, LPC-I, Foster Youth Alliance, Career Center coordinator, 3600 N. Garfield, Midland, TX 79705, 432-685-5525
Prairie View A&M UniversityExternal Link
Contact Vivian J. Dorsett, Foster Care Alumni Networking Group, Department of Music and Theatre, Prairie View, Texas 77446-4017, (936) 261-3305 and (936) 261-3307.
Sam Houston State UniversityExternal Link
Sam Houston State in Huntsville has a program called FORWARDExternal Link whose mission is to empower former foster youth by providing the support system necessary to pursue higher education and to transition smoothly through college. FORWARD serves as a resource to help the student build meaningful relationships within and without the university that are important to successful personal and professional achievements. If a student was in foster care in Texas, they may be eligible for extra resources and assistance for their college education. Call Student Success Initiatives at (936) 294-3422 for more information.
Texas A&M University at College StationExternal Link
TAMU provides a staff person to assist Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) students at the university.
Texas A&M University at San AntonioExternal Link
Email Frank Sanchez or call (210) 932-6227.
West Texas A&M UniversityExternal Link
West Texas A&M in Canyon (south of Amarillo) has a Buff ConnectionsExternal Link webpage specifically for foster care alumni. It identifies the West Texas staff who act as liaisons for our youth.
Texas State UniversityExternal Link
TSU in San Marcos has established an annual $1,000 scholarship for former foster youth.  The award is $1,000 per year ($500 per semester) and was established to help pay living expenses for students who were in foster care on or before their 18th birthdays. Recipients must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, demonstrate financial need, and preference is given to full-time students.  In addition, TSU has FACESExternal Link which provides additional resources and information for Foster Care Alumni who are interested in attending TSU or who are enrolled at TSU.  Interested students can contact the TSU Office of Financial Aid and ScholarshipsExternal Link for more information.
Texas Tech UniversityExternal Link
TTU in Lubbock offers programs such as the Pegasus ProgramExternal Link which is assistance for First Generation Students.  This program guarantees that you have academic and social support as you pursue your college degree. Interested students can email the Pegasus Program for more information.
University of Texas ArlingtonExternal Link / University of Texas Rio Grande ValleyExternal Link
These two extensions of the University of Texas system honor the college tuition and fee waiver program, as do all state-supported colleges and universities in Texas.

Statewide College Conference

Texas A&M University at CommerceExternal Link holds a college weekend each spring.  Youth who plan to attend college participate in two days of workshops, campus tours and speakers related to attending college. Workshops include information on financial aid, what a college class is like, residence life, and life skills.

Each year the Statewide Teen Conference is held on a college campus. Approximately 155 youth and 80 adult sponsors attend a three-day conference with workshops related to preparing youth for adulthood.

Education Reach for Texans

The goal of Education Reach for Texans is to facilitate the interaction between PAL and aftercare agencies and institutions of higher education to the end of increasing access to college for former foster youth and, once enrolled, their success at attaining a college degree. For more information visit the Education Reach for TexansExternal Link website.

Transition Centers

Transition Centers serving current and former foster youth are located in every DFPS region and have established partnerships with local higher education institutions and vocational/technical colleges. These partnerships have been an essential support for youth both before and after school enrollment and offer a main point of contact that assist youth in navigating through the financial aid process, orientation, academic counseling, and any other college related issues with minimal delays and without disrupting their education.   The Transition Centers have staff that can connect youth to local colleges and universities. Find a Transition Center near you.