General Program Updates
HUD News & Updates:
- New administration coming into office - Some FYI programs on pause/hold
- DFPS Housing Program planning to provide training on Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) for HUD office covering Texas
State Office Housing Program
State Office Housing Program News & Updates:
- The DFPS Housing Program turns 4 years old - Read the article: Texas Leads the Nation in Housing Initiatives
- The Transitional Living Services (TLS) team and housing specialist participate in UT Report on Youth and Homelessness
- Meet DFPS State Office Housing Specialist Jim Currier - Watch here
- Texas Foster Youth Justice Project releases Guide to Aging Out of Foster Care in Texas 9th Edition
- The TLS Team and the Housing Program are developing a new Successful Transition to Adulthood Resource Tool (START) – a Transitional Age Youth (TAY) -specific centralized database for resources throughout Texas
- The Housing Program is working with state partners at HHS to develop the Yes4Tay program to provide intensive case management services to support individual permanency and sustain housing
- The Housing Program is working with state partners at Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) to implement a statewide FYI program
- The Housing Program is working on a new task force with national consultants in Austin, focused on ending homelessness for foster youth
- DPFS Alina Jones and Jim Currier present on National panel for Supporting Youth and Young Adults with Housing - Watch here
- DFPS Jim Currier interviewed by National outlet on FYI voucher program - Read here
Section 811 Program
Section 811 Program News & Updates:
- 811 announces several areas are now open and available in Travis County, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and El Paso - Contact 811 for more information
- 811 referral agent training is available - Contact Katlin Devlin at 811 to get recorded training or to schedule a training
- 811 is implementing a real-time availability strategy to increase utilization by foster youth/young adults
Regional Housing Updates
Not sure which region your county is in? Find your DFPS region.
Region 1
Region 1 News & Updates:
- Partnership with Lubbock PHA offering FUP vouchers - Lubbock also has FYI ready to go when FUP maxed out. Lubbock on hold.
- Partnership with Pan Handle PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with South Plains PHA offering FYI vouchers - Rural areas
- Partnership with Amarillo offering FUP vouchers. Prospect for FYI program.
Region 2
Region 2 News & Updates:
- Shelly King is the new Housing Liaison - Congratulations!
- There are efforts to develop additional placements – there are limited options especially for those with challenging backgrounds.
- Partnership with Abilene PHA offering FYI vouchers - Program on hold
- Partnership with Wichita Falls PHA offering FYI vouchers “In Progress”
- Interested in partnership with Brownwood PHA
Region 3
Region 3E News & Updates:
- Empower to participate in Region 3 Housing Summit in March to build relationships, provide training, and workflow mapping
- Partnership with Texoma Council of Government offering FUP and FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Mesquite PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Welcome New Partner McKinney PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Welcome New Partner Dallas County PHA offering FYI vouchers “Finalizing Agreement” – Coming soon
- Interested in FYI partnerships with City of Dallas and Grand Prairie
Region 3W News & Updates:
- Brooke Reimer is the new Housing Liaison - Congratulations!
- Brooke leading the Region 3 Housing Summit in March to build relationships, provide training, and workflow mapping
- Our Community Our Kids (OCOK) to hold Housing Summit in March 2025 to building relationships and improve housing response with all key housing stakeholders
- Partnership with Denton PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Tarrant County PHA offering FUP and FYI vouchers - Program might be on hold.
- Partnership with City of Dallas PHA offering FUP vouchers
- Partnership with Fort Worth PHA offering FUP vouchers
- Partnership with Arlington PHA offering FUP and FYI vouchers
- Interested in FYI partnerships with Fort Worth, Cleburne, and Weatherford
Region 4
Region 4 News & Updates:
- Conducting outreach to potential partners - Trying to revitalize housing program and services in area.
- Updating FYI MOUs in the region
- Completing on-going housing program training
- Angela Trumble is the new Housing Specialist - Congratulations!
- Partnership with Longview PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Paris PHA offering FYI vouchers - Inactive
- Interested in FYI partnerships with Athens, Tyler, and Texarkana
Region 5
Region 5 News & Updates:
- Trying to revitalize housing program and services in area
- Collaborating with Buckner Transition Services to update FYI/FUP MOUs
- Completing on-going housing program training
- Partnership with Deep East Texas PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Port Arthur PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Beaumont PHA offering FUP vouchers
- Interested in FYI partnerships with Beaumont and Nacogdoches
Region 6
Region 6A News & Updates:
- Most FYI programs on hold now - Contact Housing Liaison for more information.
- The Hay Center (Transition Center) and community partner close to opening new campus and 50 housing units for youth
- Partnership with Houston PHA offering FUP and FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Harris County PHA offering FYI vouchers
Region 6B News & Updates:
- Welcome new partner Brazoria County offering FYI vouchers “Finalizing Agreement” now
- DFPS staff conducting Housing Summits with key stakeholders and vendors for youth and staff to engage all things housing - Very innovative and a model worth replicating across Texas
- Partnership with Rosenberg PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Galveston County PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Montgomery County PHA offering FUP vouchers - Inactive
- Interested in FYI partnerships with Montgomery County, Texas City, and Walker County
Region 7
Region 7A News & Updates:
- DFPS office to create a new Housing Specialist position to support FYI voucher program
- DFPS office participated in UT Report on Youth and Homelessness
- DFPS office participating on new Austin Task Force to End Foster Care Youth Homelessness
- DFPS office actively working to improve the Coordinated Entry System for Youth
- Partnership with Waco/McLennan PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Round Rock/Taylor PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Brazos Valley Council of Governments (Bryan/College Station) offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Central Texas Council of Governments offering FUP vouchers Limited availability, limited activity
- Interested in FYI partnerships with Killeen, Temple, Georgetown, Brazos City, Bryan, Belton
Region 7B News & Updates:
- Partnership with Austin PHA offering FUP and FYI vouchers
- Partnership with San Marcos PHA offering FYI vouchers - NEW Actively trying to revitalize partnership and an announcement will be coming soon.
- Partnership with Travis County PHA offering FUP vouchers - Limited availability
- Interested in FYI partnerships in Bell County, Bastrop County, Elgin, and Travis County
Region 8
Region 8A News & Updates:
- DFPS/PHAs have strong working relationships and expanding number of vouchers in Bexar/San Antonio to 100 total
- DFPS staff rethinking and reworking waitlists to meet demands and housing youth more quickly
- Partnership with San Antonio PHA offering FYI vouchers - Thank you for your partnership!
- Partnership with Bexar County PHA offering FYI vouchers - Thank you for your partnership!
- HUD San Antonio Office is helping with outreach - Thank you for your support!
Region 8B News & Updates:
- Welcome New Partner Victoria County PHA offering FYI vouchers “In Progress” – Coming soon
- Interested in FYI partnerships with Boerne, New Braunfels, Eagle Pass, Port Lavaca, Del Rio, Pleasanton, Poteet, Ker, Bandera/Medina, Floresville, Sequin
Region 9
Region 9 News & Updates:
- Announcement: New Supervised Independent Living (SIL) program now available in region 9 - Congratulations!
- DFPS/PHAs have strong partnerships
- Partnership with San Angelo PHA offering FUP and FYI vouchers - Program not on hold and actively housing youth now
- Partnership with Odessa PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Midland PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Interested in FYI partnership with Big Springs and Brady
Region 10
Region 10 News & Updates:
- Section 811 announces lots of openings in El Paso area. The section 811 program is for foster you with disabilities that need rental assistance
- Partnership with El Paso City offering FYI vouchers - Increasing utilization and lots of availability
- Partnership with El Paso County offering FYI vouchers - Lots of availability, Limited housing inventory and transportation
Region 11
Region 11A News & Updates:
- DFPS staff revitalizing older FYI/FUP partnerships due to turnover – This highlights the importance of building and maintaining relationships. DFPS reaching out to revitalize partnerships and complete training to sustain continuity of services on behalf of youths.
- Partnership with Corpus Christi PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Kenedy PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Laredo PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Welcome New Partner Beeville PHA offering FYI vouchers “In Progress” – Coming soon
- Interested in FYI partnership with Kingsville and Alice
Region 11B News & Updates:
- Partnership with Brownville PHA offering FUP and FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Harlingen PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Pharr PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Port Isabel PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with Robstown PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Partnership with San Benito PHA offering FYI vouchers
- Welcome New Partner Starr County PHA offering FYI vouchers “In Progress” – Coming soon
- Welcome New Partner Hidalgo County PHA offering FYI vouchers - Active
- Welcome New Partner McAllen County PHA offering FYI vouchers - Active
- Welcome New Partner Edinburgh PHA “In-progress” - Coming soon
- Interested in FYI partnerships with Mercedes and Cameron County