What are Family-Based Safety Services (FBSS)?
Family-Based Safety Services (FBSS) are designed to maintain children safely in their homes—or make it possible for children to return home—by strengthening the ability of families to protect their children and reducing threats to their safety.
When a child's safety can be reasonably assured, CPS provides in-home services to help stabilize the family and reduce the risk of future abuse or neglect. Most children receiving these services continue to live at home while CPS works with their families. In some cases, children may live elsewhere temporarily, usually with relatives or close family friends - in what is called a Parental Child Safety Placement (PCSP) - until it is safe for them to return home.
FBSS can provide a variety of services - either directly by CPS staff, through contracted services providers, or through referrals to community-based providers. Services may include, but are not limited to, family counseling, crisis intervention, substance abuse treatment, domestic violence intervention, and day care. Currently, FBSS caseworkers may also provide one-on-one parenting and homemaker skills in areas where community-based services are not available.
Program Brochures
- FBSS brochure EnglishPDF Document | SpanishPDF Document
- Windham School District DFPS ReferralsPDF Document program
What am I expected to do?
- Be open and honest with my caseworker
- Keep my children safe
- Figure out what help that I and my family needs
- Find my strengths and my family's strengths
- Work with my caseworker on a plan for services that deals with my family's strengths and needs
- Participate in those services fully
- Consider the safety of my children on an ongoing basis
- Meet with my caseworker regularly
- Let my children meet with my caseworker regularly
- Seek the help I need to make changes and give my children a safe and stable home
What kind of help and resources might I get?
- Day care
- Parenting skills
- Housekeeping skills
- Nutrition and health information
- Learn how to budget my money
- Referrals for education, counseling, and alcohol or substance abuse treatment
- Help dealing with domestic violence
- Help with learning to deal with problems between me and my child
- Therapy
- Anger management
- Referrals for public assistance
- Other information and referrals in your community as needed and available
What is my caseworker expected to do?
- Meet with you and your family to figure out your family's strengths and needs
- Work with you to develop a plan for services for you and your family that focuses on those strengths and needs
- Meet with your family regularly to give support and guidance and review your progress
- Assess the safety of your children on an ongoing basis
- Help you find the resources you need to make changes and give your children a safe and stable home