Authority/Reference(s) Texas Human Resource Code, Title 2 §40.058
Revision Date February 1, 2019


For each monitoring event created in SCOR, whether the event is created by COS or the contract staff, contract divisions must determine the review level of monitoring as either targeted or comprehensive as defined below. Contract divisions must document their review level selection methodology and submit to COS.

When a risk-based or enhanced monitoring event is entered into SCOR, the monitoring review level will default to targeted. If the decision is made to complete a comprehensive review, the contract staff will need to change the monitoring level from targeted to comprehensive.

Targeted Monitoring

Targeted monitoring refers to the selection of at least one review type (programmatic, administrative, fiscal) and conducting a review of the minimum contract monitoring requirements, as established by the Contract Division.

Comprehensive Monitoring

Comprehensive monitoring refers to the selection of combined (two or more) review types (programmatic, administrative, fiscal), and/or conducting a review that increases the scope, as established by the Contract Division.