Child Protective Services may ask parents to attend something called "parenting classes." A court can also either ask or order parents to attend parenting classes as a part of a child abuse case.

What do parenting classes do?

  • Teach parents the basics of child development so they will have appropriate expectations of their children.
  • Teach parents appropriate, non-aggressive discipline and ways to manage and correct misbehavior.
  • Help parents recognize their strengths and use them when parenting.
  • Tell parents about local resources that deal with parenting and family issues.
  • Connect parents with other parents for support and encouragement.

The training offered by these classes differs from place to place. There is no central agency that regulates parenting classes statewide. However, the court and your caseworker will help you find a parenting class that meets your family’s needs.

To find parenting classes near you, see the Find Local SupportExternal Link section of the Get Parenting TipsExternal Link website.

You can also find additional support through our Prevention and Early Intervention programs.