Who is required to have a background check?
Are certain contractors and contractor staff exempt from the background check requirements?
When are background check renewals due?
I have a cleared background check for someone under one contract number, but this person also plans to work or volunteer under another contract. Must the person submit to a background check under each contract number?
My operation is a Residential Services contractor that follows the background check requirements for Residential Child Care Licensing. Do we have to submit background checks in ABCS for our staff and volunteers?
Why is a new background check needed if a person changes roles under my contract?
What is the definition of a Principal for a PCS Contract?
Who is required to complete an FBI fingerprint-based background check?
How do I submit my fingerprints for an FBI check?
How much does an FBI fingerprint check cost?
What if I request an FBI check in error or the FBI check is no longer needed?
How do I submit a background check request?
I received background check results that indicate a person has a criminal charge with an unknown disposition. What do I need to do?
I received background check results that indicate a person is barred from working under my contract. What do I need to do?
I received background check results that indicate a person requires a Risk Evaluation to work under my contract. What do I need to do?
After I submit a Request for Risk Evaluation, how long before a determination will be made about the person’s ability to work under my contract?
Who will receive the results of a Request for Risk Evaluation?

For additional questions not addressed here, e-mail PCS Background Checks.

Last updated: April 4, 2023