Authority/Reference(s) Human Resources Code §40.058
Revision Date June 28, 2024


Contract Oversight and Support (COS) establishes the Specialized Monitoring Plan (SMP) for Client Service contracts by identifying the highest risk contracts for each contract division based on Risk Assessment Instrument (RAI) scores documented through the risk assessment process.

Unless approved through the 9103 SMP adjustment process, identified contracts on the SMP must have monitoring initiated by contract divisions within the fiscal year and completed by the end of the calendar year.

Exemption to the RCC SMP

RCC contracted operations with a Heightened Monitoring designation are exempt from the SMP process. The operations are subject to a heightened level of monitoring as part of a court-ordered monitoring program to best ensure safe placements for children in DFPS care. If an operation is determined to require heightened monitoring after the release of the Initial SMP, staff must follow the 9103 adjustment process to remove from the SMP.