Evaluation & Treatment Provider Training (includes Domestic Violence Providers)
- Trauma Informed Care Child Welfare Practice - Required Training for BIPP Providers
- Contractors provide a copy of the Certificate of Completion of Trauma Informed Care Training to your contract manager prior to service delivery. (no cost)
- Annual BIPP Conference held in April in Austin, Texas
- Tools for Transformation is an opportunity to gain deeper knowledge and develop new skills to meet the growing challenges of operating battering intervention programs and developing community accountability and collaboration for addressing family violence offenders.
- National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence
- This site provides an extensive list of training webinars and events around the country.
- Texas Council of Family Violence
- TCFV promotes safe and healthy relationships by supporting service providers, facilitating strategic prevention efforts, and creating opportunities for freedom from family violence. This organization provides domestic violence training, resources, and advocacy.
- Safety at Home, Intimate Partner Violence, Military Personnel, and Veterans
- The Battered Women's Justice Project provides eight8 modules of webinar training on how to work with families in the military who are experiencing domestic violence. (no cost)
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health services Administration
- This site provides extensive resources on a wide variety of training on evidence-based treatment interventions. (many are no cost)
Domestic Violence Resources & Tools for Providers
- Fatherhood Resources
- Lisa 911 Audio Recording
- Used by Battering Intervention and Prevention Program (BIPP) Providers
- National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence
- Provides an extensive list of resources, tools, and information.
- Tips for Supporting Children and Youth Exposed to Domestic Violence: What You Might See and What You Can Do
- Used to help parent and caregivers understand the impact to their children. Copyright © 2012 National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, & Mental Health
- Impact on Children at Different Ages of Witnessing Intimate Partner Violence
- Fact Sheet from the National Children's Advocacy Center. All Rights Reserved. Also see nationalcac.org
- Factors Associated with a Man's Risk for Abusing His Partner
- Risk assessment is an on-going effort required throughout service delivery. World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- Questions to Ask the Victim/Non-Offending Caregiver and Child(ren)
- Provides potential solution focused questions for work with victims/families involved in Domestic Violence.
- Child Development Needs and Tasks of Domestic Violence on Children
- This document includes the developmental tasks and needs of infants, school-age children, and adolescents.
- Interventions: Treatments Developed by National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) Members
- Information includes evidence based treatments and fact sheets. The NCTSN also contains resources and training.
Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) Life Skills Training and Assessments
Regional PAL Staff Leads are responsible for training PAL Life Skills Training and Assessment Contract Providers about the Casey Life Skills Assessment (CLSA).
PAL Contractors should not begin administering the assessment until training is complete and contractor staff has been added by Regional PAL Staff Leads as a "caseworker" associated with the regional provider/agency profile set up.
For more information about the CLSA, Casey Family Programs has provided the following resources:
These resources will explain:
- Provider sign up and account administration
- How to give an assessment
- How to manage assessments
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If you have questions, contact your Regional PAL Staff Lead or Regional Contract Manager.