The Title IV-E Student Stipend Program is a federally funded program that provides stipends to current and prospective Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) and Single Source Continuum of Care (SSCC) employees to further their education. In exchange for financial assistance provided per semester, the student agrees to continue or accept employment with DFPS or a SSCC contractor for a period that is a least equal to the period for which financial assistance was granted. The staff or student must be enrolled in a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) or Master of Social Work (MSW) program offered at one of the accredited public universities in Texas.
Universities must be approved to offer a social work degree and have obtained national accreditation from the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
As sub-recipients of the Title IV-E funds, the universities must provide matching funds from non-federal sources as well as cover their full administrative cost.
8525.3 Title IV-E — University Degree and Stipend Programs
Potential employees must meet all student responsibility requirements found at 8525.32 Student Responsibilities.
In order to apply, current employees must meet requirements found at 8525.34 Applying — Employees.
Please see the operations manual for the SSCC with which you would like to apply or are currently employed.
Title IV-E Stipend Training Videos
To learn more about the Title IV-E Stipend application, please review the training videos below.
Job Aid for the University Admin
Regional Operations Support Administrators (ROSA) & Single Source Continuum Contractors (SSCC)
Job Aid for the ROSA/SSCC Admin
Contact Us
Please email us with questions at CPSunivcontracts@dfps.texas.gov.