Handbook Revision, July 2022

Background Checks for Single Source Continuum Contractors (PATS 13092)

This new policy is about background checks on staff members, volunteers, contractors, and subcontractors of a single source continuum contractor (SSCC) for Community-Based Care (CBC) who are not employed by DFPS but who have a business need for direct access to or direct contact with DFPS resources and clients.


10000 Background Checks for Single Source Continuum Contractors (SSCC)

10100 Division of Responsibilities for Background Checks on SSCC Staff Members, Volunteers, Contractors, and Subcontractors

10110 SSCC Responsibilities

10120 Contract Administration Manager (CAM) Responsibilities

10130 Program Support Responsibilities

10140 Background Checks Staff Responsibilities

10200 Background Check Renewals

10300 Background Check Determinations

10310 Cleared

10320 Absolute Bar

10330 Risk Assessment

10340 Incomplete Background Check

FBI Fingerprinting Requirements (PATS 13605)

This revision adds a new policy section, 1340 Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Fingerprint Checks, to address new FBI fingerprinting requirements.

This revision also does the following:

  • Updates FBI fingerprinting requirements in sections 3300 and 7210.
  • Updates the definitions section to make terminology consistent and to add a definition of logical access.


1340 Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Fingerprint Checks


3300 FBI Fingerprint Checks for Non-DFPS Staff


7210 FBI Fingerprint Criminal History Checks for DFPS Volunteers and Interns


Definitions of Terms


Appendix 1: Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation History Bars (PATS 13789)

This appendix is replacing the following two appendices:

  • Appendix 1: DFPS Purchased Client Services (PCS) Background Check History Chart
  • Appendix 4: DFPS History Chart for DFPS Employees, Prospective Employees, Non-DFPS Staff, CASA Employees, Volunteers, and Board Members

Appendix 5: Tips for Reviewing DFPS Case History to Assess Hiring Eligibility is being renumbered but not revised.


Appendix 1: Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation History Bars for DFPS Employees, Prospective Employees, Volunteers, and Interns, Non-DFPS Staff, and CASA Employees, Volunteers, and Board Members DFPS Purchased Client Services (PCS) Background Check History Chart


Appendix 4: DFPS History Chart for DFPS Employees, Prospective Employees, Non-DFPS Staff, CASA Employees, Volunteers, and Board Members

Appendix 4 Appendix 5: Tips for Reviewing DFPS Case History to Assess Hiring Eligibility