Section 4000
4100 Overview of Investigations
4110 Components of a Thorough Investigation
4120 Supervisor Consultations During an Investigation
4121 Investigation Assignment Conference
4122 Interim Staffing With Supervisor
4123 Dispositional Staffing and Determining the Findings
4130 Protecting a Reporter’s Confidentiality During an Investigation
4131 Identifying New Reporters During an Investigation
4200 Preparing for the Investigation
4210 Preparing Equipment and Other Required Items
4220 Reviewing Background Checks on Principals
4221 Releasing of a Copy of the DPS Criminal Records Check
4240 Conducting a Risk Assessment of Regulatory History
4241 Requesting a Risk Assessment of Regulatory History
4242 Conducting a Risk Assessment of Regulatory History
4243 Documenting the Risk Assessment of Regulatory History
4300 Conducting the Investigation
4310 Initiating the Investigation
4311 Time Frames for Initiation
4311.1 Time Frame for Initiating a Priority 1 (P1) Investigation
4311.2 Time Frame for Initiating a Priority 2 (P2) Investigation
4312 Time Frames for Face-to-Face Contact with Alleged Victims
4313 Documenting Face-to-Face Contact with Alleged Victims
4321 Gathering Evidence Related to Interviews
4322 Using Photos, Audio, Video, and Scanned Information
4322.1 Using Photos, Audio, Video, and Scanned Information as Investigative Tools
4322.2 Using Audio and Video Recordings as an Investigative Tool
4322.3 Taking Photos as Evidence
4322.31 Taking Sensitive Photos
4322.32 Taking Photos That Present Better Evidence
4323 Obtaining Written Documents as Evidence
4323.1 Obtaining Medical Records
4323.2 Obtaining Reports From Law Enforcement
4323.3 Reviewing Documents From CPS
4323.4 Obtaining Documents From the Operation
4324 Maintaining Records of Correspondence
4411 Testing the Recording Equipment
4412 Authenticating the Recording
4413 Exceptions to Recording the Interview
4414 Documenting Whether an Interview Was Recorded
4415 Using an Alternative Recording Device
4420 Observing and Interviewing Children
4421 Age and Ability Requirements for Observing and Interviewing Children
4422 Observing and Interviewing Alleged Victims
4422.1 Interview Takes Place before Receipt of Intake Report
4422.2 Contacting a Children’s Advocacy Center about Certain Allegations
4423 Observing and Interviewing a Child Related to a Child Care Provider
4431 Interviewing Alleged Perpetrators
4431.1 Before Conducting an Interview with an Alleged Perpetrator
4431.2 During an Interview with an Alleged Perpetrator
4431.3 Interview of an Alleged Perpetrator by Law Enforcement
4431.4 Alleged Perpetrator Fails to Cooperate with the Investigation
4432 Interviewing Principal and Collateral Sources
4440 Requesting a Courtesy Interview
4450 Interviewing Persons With Limited English Proficiency
4451 Using an Interpreter to Conduct an Interview
4452 Documenting the Use of Interpretation Services
4500 Assessing the Immediate Safety of Children
4510 Evaluating the Need for a Safety Plan
4520 Implementing a Safety Plan
4521 Supervisory Review of the Safety Plan
4521.1 Restricting an Alleged Perpetrator’s Contact With Children or Role at the Operation
4521.2 Requesting That an Operation Stop Operating
4522 Documenting the Safety Plan
4523 Notifying the Licensing Representative of the Safety Plan
4524 Operation Refuses to Implement a Safety Plan
4530 Evaluating and Ending a Safety Plan
4531 Revising or Extending a Safety Plan
4540 Handling Immediate Danger to Children
4551 Temporary Restraining Order
4553 Following Up On an Injunction
4600 Completing the Investigation
4610 Time Frames for Completion of the Investigation
4611 Extending Time Frames for Completing an Investigation
4611.1 Criteria for Requesting Additional Time to Complete the Investigation
4611.2 Documenting an Extension
4611.3 Obtaining an Additional Extension
4611.4 Time Frame for Supervisor to Approve or Reject an Extension Request
4621 Elements of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation
4622 Roles of Persons Involved in the Investigation
4623 Assigning the Severity to a Reason to Believe Disposition
4624 Issuing a Finding of Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation When the Perpetrator Cannot Be Determined
4625 Allegations That Merit Administrative Closure
4625.1 Investigator Responsibilities When Recommending an Administrative Closure
4700 Submitting and Approving Investigations
4710 Submitting an Investigation
4720 Reviewing an Investigation
4721 Investigations Requiring Secondary Approval
4722 Submitting an Investigation for Secondary Approval
4730 Rejecting and Resubmitting an Investigation
4740 After an Investigation Is Approved
4741 Reopening a Closed Investigation
4741.1 Required Notification When an Investigation Is Reopened
4741.2 Required Notification When Changes Are Made to a Closed Investigation